The iconic antagonist of Judge Dredd, Judge Death, is coming to “life” courtesy of Pop Culture Shock Collectibles. The leader of the Dark Judges, Judge Death comes from an alternate dimension where “the crime is life, the sentence is death.”
The 21” tall statue, depicting 2000AD’s most evil & twisted character, is expertly crafted in museum quality Polystone. For those wanting a bit more gore-for-their-buck, a Death Sentence variant will also be available including three interchangeable pieces: “Grinning Head”, “Impaled Judges Helmet” and “Impaled Angel Gang members head”.
"I can vividly remember the first time I saw Judge Death in a comic. I was instantly captivated!" recollected Jerry Macaluso, President and Founder of Pop Culture Shock Collectibles. "Death’s body is so twisted and filled with grotesque was an absolute blast to sculpt.”
The standard edition carries a price of $360.00 USD, a limited run of 275 pcs, and will ship in 3rd quarter 2013. The Death Sentence variant costs $375 USD and a super-limited run of 120 pcs. Both pieces are forecasted to sell-out within 48 hours of release.
Both items are available ONLY via PCSC’s Direct-to-collector service!
PRE-ORDER begins promptly at 3PM Pacific Time on Monday February 25th
Click here for Judge Death pre-order instructions
The statues will be up for pre-order at 3pm PST on Feb. 25th, tune into the PSCS facebook page for more info. To stay up to date on PCSC 2000AD news, subscribe to our newsletter by sending an email to with the subject line “2000AD Newsletter”.