I'd be more excited if they did this in the MOTUC athletics rather than the vintage version, nostalgia is great but the reason is because you remember having them as a kid so they hold more value but all this is is a new toy with an old design. Its like making MOTU characters but in the old ToyBiz style, It might be kinda cool but is it necessary?
They really are trying to milk this Savage World aesthetic for all it's worth. This does make for an interesting set of figures though. I like that they also made a playset. I'm curious to see if they'll finish the rest of the team they tease in the fake cartoon commercial.
This is becoming a very interesting, if broad, line of figures... I wish I could say Im more excited for it than I actually am. I think the best of the lot, for me, is King Shark. That would be a solid pickup, if I saw him on a store shelf. Not so much any of the rest of them.
Ha, seems like everyone is getting the MOTU treatment. Thundercats, Horror Legends, and now DC. Wontpick them up, but I still appreciate their charm.
I don't see the point in me having these but it looks like a really fun play set for children. Ifever own a play set/diorama for my action figures, it'd probably be an extreme sets Subway station.
Not exactly what I would buy for myself but maybe for my 4-8 year old self. Non the less it looks fun.
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