On 10/23/2018 at 11:46 PM, Thinwheat said:Same here! If Bandai or Figma started making Bleach figures I'd be interested for sure. Kind of surprising we don't have more figures from Bleach already with how popular it was/is.
Agreed... Ive been known to pick up figures even from anime series I dont actually follow, as long as they look cool. And there are probably a few from Bleach Id consider picking up, even without that familiarity, just based on how cool or interesting they look.
13 hours ago, sXeblues said:As much into anime as I am, Ive never watched any Bleach... But, Ive seen and liked a few of their character designs. Im sure fans of the property will eat these suckers up, lol.
Same here! If Bandai or Figma started making Bleach figures I'd be interested for sure. Kind of surprising we don't have more figures from Bleach already with how popular it was/is.
As much into anime as I am, Ive never watched any Bleach... But, Ive seen and liked a few of their character designs. Im sure fans of the property will eat these suckers up, lol.
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