I wish Funko put a little more effort into the quality control on their action figures for this line. These feel incredibly cheap. I love the character designs, though. This is a show that if it had a quality toy line, would be really fun to collect. I just can't justify spending money on these figures, they just feel so cheap. Like picking up a knockoff of a better figure. It's a shame. When they first announced the action figure line, I was very excited because I had watched an interview with one of the writers for the show when it first started and he had expressed a desire to get figures made and a few years later Funko made their announcement.I still like to check them out in person when I see them at retail, but even at sale price, I can't bring myself to pick them up. They're just too cheap feeling.
these are really cool.
Can't wait to see the next season! These look very cool.