Hasbro G.I. Joe Classified Series Cobra Rattler Ground Attack Jet Haslab has FUNDED

by toynewman
July 26, 2024
The new G.I. Joe Classified Series Cobra Rattler Ground Attack Jet Haslab from Hasbro is now available for backing on Hasbro Pulse and has reached 9,474 backers that was needed to fund with a suggested retail price of $324.99.

The Cobra Airborne is readying for launch but needs your assistance to fund its crowning achievement of aviation ingenuity. M.A.R.S. Industries, in concert with HasLab, has developed a 6-inch scale G.I. Joe Classified Series Cobra Rattler Ground Attack Jet. In order to initiate our takeoff sequence, we are in need of 9,000 backer orders by the end of the Campaign. For each HasLab vehicle you pledge, you’ll receive a Cobra Rattler jet along with an action figure of Flight Commander Wild Weasel featuring premium deco, detailing, and articulation for poseability.

This crowdfunded project will run from July 25th, 2024, to 11:59PM ET on September 9th. If successful, the project is expected to begin shipping in Fall 2025.


Each Cobra Rattler jet secured by backing the HasLab also includes a Classified Series action figure of ace Cobra Airborne pilot Wild Weasel with premium deco, detail-ing, and articulation for poseability. The figure comes with a removable helmet showcasing his never-before-revealed visage. For added storytelling, there’s an addition-al battle-damaged helmet hearkening back to the rumored strafing run which scarred his face and mouth. A detachable air hose connects his helmet to his flight suit. Also among his pilot kit are flight plans, target coordinates, and a weapon accessory. Wild Weasel is the ideal flight commander to challenge the Joes for air superiority.


At each pilot’s disposal is a vast array of armaments to pound the Joe forces to rubble. 12 removable pylons attach under the wings offering dog bone connections to customize your jet’s weapons loadout. Choose from:

2 Sistrum Cluster Bombs with visible bomblets

2 70MM Precision-Guided Rocket Launchers

2 AEA-56 Quick Thrust Short-Range Missiles

2 EO-118 Electro Optical Renegade Missiles

2 Thermonuclear Bombs

2 Bomb Racks which hold 6 total PL-MI84 Unguided Bombs

But no Cobra Rattler would be complete without its Rattle. The manual thumb wheel rotates the muzzle of the Kerry CDV-9B “Jawbreaker” Nose Cannon providing a cacophony of 30MM fire


Demonstrate your fidelity to Cobra by affixing these Squadron Patches to a flight jacket or other item from your personal wardrobe. The Cobra Airborne insignia patch with motto is donned by all successful recruits. Will you be assigned to the 84th Squadron Flyswatters charged with eliminating pesky attack copters? Or do your skills align more with the Cobra Fighter Command Z06 Squadron – The Fearsome Fangs – who specialize in rending tanks asunder? 11,000 Backer Orders grant you proof of membership among the top guns of Cobra Airborne with these exclusive Squadron Patches.


While my automated fire controls surpass the capabilities of most of the faceless rabble of the Cobra ranks, some can and do rise to the occasion behind the turret sights. Unlocking the Cobra Rattler Gunner Action Figure with 14,000 Backer Orders allows you to unleash a barrage of blue laser fire. The Gunner figure comes with alternate head and neck, helmet, air hose which connects to the flight suit, and weapon accessories.


Armed with a brilliance matched only by her taste for vengeance, the Baroness in flight suit, offers another skilled pilot or gunner Action Figure to complete the Cobra Rattler offering should the campaign reach its inevitable conclusion with at least 18,000 Backer Orders. The Baroness figure, featuring all new tooling, comes with helmet, flight vest, air hose which connects to the vest, her iconic glasses, head set, two alternate hair styles, and weapon accessories.


Destro’s Journal – July 25th, 2024

Once again I have exceeded my own brilliance designing a masterpiece of aeronautic innovation sure to dominate the skies in our escalating arms race with the Joe forces. It’s my wickedest weapon yet, you know… And yet again our beloved Commander has squandered our current resources in another inane scheme necessitating a recruitment drive to secure the proper funding for production. Our vaunted Cobra Airborne will be staffed by any fool with the means to contribute to our cause. Mercifully, my designs are so superior that a trained ape could successfully pilot the craft. [N.B. – Speak to Mindbender about progress of Operation: Wild Blue Monkey]


My plans have been passed along to HasLab who will initiate production of our 6-inch scale Cobra Rattler Ground Attack Jet if the campaign reaches 9,000 backer orders before midnight on September 9th. If the campaign proves successful, I envision the skies darkening beneath waves of aircraft that we anticipate will take flight for delivery in Fall 2025.


Nose to tail, our Cobra Rattler measures 33.53” (851.78MM) long, over 2 and half feet. Wheels down, it stands 9.88” (250.9MM) tall with a wingspan of 32.04” (357.71MM) wide. A truly astounding achievement of design and manufacture.


In my designs I endeavored to be cognizant of the space limitations such a craft could present for those hoping to house a squadron of Cobra Rattlers. Not every locale can support a full runway or hangar for storage. The wings assuredly possess the ability to manually pivot for VTOL (Vertical Take-off and Landing) posing of the jet. In addition, I have introduced the new capability to fold the wings upright when the release is de-pressed. That feature reduces the wingspan by half minimizing it to a mere 15.26” (387.73MM) when no ordnance is present. The upright folded wings increase the overall height to 13.96” (357.22MM), ideal for shelf-storage alongside your HasLab H.I.S.S. fleet.


Entry to the cockpit comes via the stowable boarding ladder with foot peg which slides out of the fuselage. The rear of the two-part canopy hinges up granting access to the artificial snake-skin pilot seat, state-of-the-art controls, and illuminated Heads-Up Display (HUD). The cockpit which can accommodate most Classified Series figures features a 3-point harness, articulated control stick, and throttle.


At the push of a single button, you can control the lighting features of the Cobra Rattler, turning on landing lights, the cockpit instrument panel display, as well as the separate Gunner Turret HUD. It also illuminates the cockpit Damage Warning Indicator and flick-ering battle damage as revealed by the swappable armor hull plating


Its bomb and missile accessories give the Cobra Rattler the clear Ground Attack advantage, however, I’d be remiss in not providing our aircraft some means of engaging in dogfight combat. The Gunner Turret features a hinged canopy, 3-point harness, illuminated targeting HUD, and articulated control stick. The turret of the Twin 20MM Multiple-Fire Cannon accessories rotates 360 degrees, and the barrels pivot up and down in unison enabling a Gunner to strafe enemy combatants with ease and deadly precision.


To simulate the thunderous results produced by the Cobra Rattler rocketing through the sky or its destructive munitions, the Campaign’s base offering includes blast effects in varying sizes usable throughout the Classified Series line:

2 Large Blast Effects with a 6.3MM peg and a side dog bone connection which can attach to the back of the engines or missile accessories or one of the dog bone ports

2 Medium Blast Effects with a 6.3MM peg

2 Small Blast Effects with a 2.5MM peg which can attach to the “Jawbreaker” Cannon and the Turret Guns

2 Small Blue Laser Beams with a 2.5MM peg


To improve upon the ease of takeoff and landing, I have instructed the HasLab designers to install a ventral release button. When depressed, the spring-loaded landing gear releases and lowers the wheels into place in a locked position. The functional wheels allow forward and reverse taxiing. For takeoff, manually retract each strut of the landing gear individually.


The exquisite detail and craftsmanship inherent in the Cobra Rattler evince themselves with several access panels that reveal its inner-workings. The aforementioned port-side battle-damaged plating readily swaps with an unmarred panel to meet your display and posing desires. Starboard side, a hinged panel reveals the Jawbreaker’s mechanisms and ammunition detail. An additional removable ladder affixes to either wing granting a posed figure access to the hinged engine cowlings and the turbofan engine detail beneath. Marvel at the technological superiority of the M.A.R.S. Industries-designed manually-spinning fans, compressors, turbines, and the combustion chamber.


My undeniable genius encompasses not only the design of the Cobra Rattler itself, but also the multiple means of exhibiting it. The base offering of each vehicle includes a gorgeous multipart transparent Display Stand measuring 7.64” (194MM) high x 11.34” (288.02.MM) deep x 7.08” (179.55MM) wide. The tapered attachment block enables posing the jet taking off, dive-bombing, or banking. Remove the attachment to position your Cobra Rattler flying level. Along either side of the stand are 8 total dog bone pegs to pose missile or bomb accessories in flight, or for simple storage. The sliding drawer of the base offers additional capability for stowing armaments or blast effects.


I’ve little doubt we shall receive more than sufficient backer orders to successfully initiate production on our Cobra Rattler. To incentivize mass production at HasLab, however, we are including Unlock Tiers with supplementary enhancements to the base offering should higher order levels be achieved.

11,000 Backer Orders to unlock Cobra Airborne Squadron Patches

14,000 Backer Orders to unlock the Cobra Rattler Gunner Action Figure

18,000 Backer Orders to unlock the pilot Baroness Action Figure

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Satam - 2024-09-11 @ 5:10 pm
On 9/10/2024 at 12:45 PM, Frozentenderloin said:

I would have really liked to have backed this thing, but I barely had room for the VAMP, let alone an airplane! Super cool, and glad everything got unlocked for those who did back it. Hopefully I will get to see one in person somewhere, as it is really rad even if I cant own it myself!

It is damn impressive in person.

zombiesnstuff - 2024-09-11 @ 2:52 am

Congratulations to all that backed this project ??

Frozentenderloin - 2024-09-10 @ 4:45 pm

I would have really liked to have backed this thing, but I barely had room for the VAMP, let alone an airplane! Super cool, and glad everything got unlocked for those who did back it. Hopefully I will get to see one in person somewhere, as it is really rad even if I cant own it myself!

*** On a semi-related note, I got to see a vintage and complete US Flagg Aircraft carrier a couple weeks back. That was really cool. Image one of those in 1/12 scale lol. I would have to tell my wife that we no longer have a living room?

Satam - 2024-09-10 @ 4:32 pm
5 hours ago, JayC said:

Final number was adjusted down some to 26,903 backers.

And then adjusted back up a little bit ago to 28,096.

Apparently there were delays in charging customers. I don't know if that has to do with such large shifts in the numbers or what, but I suppose it's possible that somebody at Pulse (or a program) expected all orders to be charged and updated the counter at a certain time of day, but somebody else at Pulse told them that they hadn't actually finished getting through all the orders and it needed to be updated again. I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers get adjusted again one last time.

Jscott991 - 2024-09-10 @ 4:31 pm
5 hours ago, JayC said:

Final number was adjusted down some to 26,903 backers.

It now says 28,096.

Which is weird. How could it go up? International orders? Retailers?

RobertD - 2024-09-10 @ 4:14 pm
12 hours ago, Roadpigmaster said:

I just backed one guys at$347.74... ??? Cobraaaaaaaaa!

LOL, I was wearing a Cobra T-shirt and doing some grocery shopping last night, and almost ran into a guy as I was turning a corner.

"Sorry, I didn't see you," I said.

"That's ok, I'm pretty short," he replied, before shouting "Cobraaaaaa!" in my face. Got a pretty good laugh out of me.

Jscott991 - 2024-09-10 @ 12:34 pm
5 hours ago, JayC said:

Final number was adjusted down some to 26,903 backers.

I think people can cancel until tonight. It might drop a bit more.

Correction: I just got charged so maybe they got rid of the 24 hour period.

JayC - 2024-09-10 @ 10:47 am

Final number was adjusted down some to 26,903 backers.

DiscoCougar - 2024-09-10 @ 6:15 am

I caved and got it. Now Haslab better create a Skystriker or I'm going to be really mad, lol

JayC - 2024-09-10 @ 4:01 am

The new Haslab G.I. Joe Classified Series Cobra Rattler Ground Attack Jet campaign from Hasbrohas ended with 27,309 Backers.The successful campaign ended with all three stretch goals unlocked and is supposed to ship out in Fall 2025 for those who backed it.

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