Toy Fair 2010 - Mattel Q&A Recap: MOTUC, DC, Ghostbusters, WWE, Avatar
by Peter Van
February 14, 2010
DC Universe
Wave 14 WalMart Exclusive
Wave 14 will feature:
Zartana with removable hat
Gold with removable arm attachments most likely made of die cast iron
Green Lantern
Golden Age Hourman
Collect-to-Connect Ultra Humanite - he is 1-to-1 size ratio of the other figures, despite seeming rather small.
WalMart Green Lantern Five-Pack
The two-pack Green Lantern figures are Tomar Re and Guy Gardner are part of a WalMart five-pack. Additional three figures are Hal Jordan in pre-Praxis days, Jon Stewart in Mosaic, Sinestro in Green Lantern outfit, which is an existing Sinestro head on an existing Green Latern body.
The five-pack WalMart exclusive is a sequel to the Batman/Superman WalMart exclusive five-pack from last year.
The figure is a MattyCollector exclusive that is slated for a June release.
DC has decided to let Lobo back into the JLU line after MattyCollector was able to show that there was a genuine interest in the fan community. While the toy is not suitable for mass-market release, it is definitely suitable for the fans.
JLU Target Single Packs
The figures are shipping to Target now and should be on the store shelves soon.
12-inch Christopher Reeves figure
We are assured that it is the way. Mattel is working on resculpting the figure and doing more work on the fabric so that they get it just right for the fans.
The figure has been pushed back to fall to do it justice.
They also teased that more in store, too!
JLU Manhunter, Jon Stewart will be a three pack with another Man Hunter.
There will be no more exclusive waves for WalMart this year. Wave 15 and 16 are still set to round out there year.
There will not be any waves for any other retailer. However, they are looking into multipack releases for other retailers, but they are not ready to release any information.
The figures which had issues in Wave 14 at Comic-Con have, unfortunately, gotten too far down the line to be fixed. However, characters are always being re-released, so expect new versions of the character to come out.
Masters of the Universe Classics
Large Sized Quarterly Figures
With the exception of Masters of the Universe versus DC two-packs, everything else is exclusive to MattyCollectors.
The Titus and Gigor will be exclusive to that plan. Four oversized figures One per quarter. Battle Cat is Q1, Titus is Q2, Gygor Q3, and will reveal Q4 at Comic-Con.
King Gray Skull will tentatively be a quarterly figure. Redecorated from original release and some new accessories. Gray Skull will be Q4 figure. This is tentative if the monthly figures stay on schedule.
Future of MattyCollector Subscription Service
As long as the oversized quarter figures continue to do well in 2010, they may consider rolling in the quarterly six-inch and large scale figures into the 2011 subscription. They will known more about how successful the large scale figures are around the Comic-Con timeframe. It is unsure if this will be the direction, but it is being considered.
MOTU versus DC Universe
MOTU vs DCU will continue as long as sales continue as expected.
Batman: Brave and the Bold
The sales for the line is going very well. The line will continue with single figures.
A TV driver with feature a Plastic Man, Batman, and Rubberneck three-pack. There will be an zmazing "try me" package where squeezing Rubberneck’s legs inside the package will cause him to stretch Plastic Man.
Additionally there will be a 12-inch Bat Bot with a transforming chest that shoots missiles, makes sounds, and has "action galore."
There will also be Metal Men and some new Batman villains including Solomon Grundy.
WWE Legends Wave 2, which was released upon conclusion of the Q&A session will come out sometime before the fall.
New Avatar figures will be released beyond what’s out, including some other tribes, two new Jake figures in his Banshee gear and final battle, and a new Tsu'tey. New figures will also feature glow-in-dark paint applications.
New items will also be announced for the summer relatively soon.
Everything you see will be new repaints of already-released figures.
There will be a total of six six-inch figures in 2010, which will look to expand beyond the main guys.
Comic-Con Exclusives
There is confirmation that there will be a DCU Classics figure exclusively for Comic-Con.
The rest of the figures will be revealed in April.
There is a possibility that there could be figures based on previous iterations of the live-action Batman franchise, such as Michael Keaton, but nothing definitive at this time.
There are definitely women figures coming to the line, but nothing to announce just yet.
Unfortunately, Mattel has not made any progress on acquiring FUNimation rights for MOTU. We are assured that when they do, they will scream it from the hilltops.
Check out all the images from the Mattel Showroom below in our Galleries.
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