Mattel 2010 SDCC Exclusives Revealed Part 1 - MOTUC, DCUC & DCIH

by Jay Cochran
April 12, 2010
A few of Mattel's 2010 San Diego Comic Con exclusives were revealed on tonight's episode of "Attack of the Show" which airs on the G4 network. Tonight we learned that there will be the following released:

- Masters of the Universe Classics Mo-Lorr/Skeletor Two-Pack: This new two pack is based on a sketch from the show "Robot Chicken" where Skeletor has to go to the dentist and get a tooth pulled. You can see the sketch on YouTube by clicking here. Mo-Larr comes with a complete range of dentist accessories and Skeletor is missing a tooth.

- Masters of the Universe Orko and Prince Adam: Orko turns clear when you put him in water and he has a magic book that when you put in water the SDCC logo appears

- DC Universe Classics Plastic Man:
This 6" figure can transform into a suitcase

- DC Infinite Heroes Brave & The Bold JLA 1st Appearance Set: This set will consist of figures from the legendary cover Brave & The Bold #28 with the first appearance of the JLA. The figures included are 3" versions of Aquaman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter. The set also features a large Starro creature which is what the heroes fought in the issue.

You can check out the segment from tonight's Attack of the Show" below showing these 3 exclusives off.

Video Games - E3 2010 - AOTS Exclusive

The remaining Mattel exclusives will be revealed on the April 15th episode of "Attack of the Show," and then images for all of them should be released this Friday, April 16 online for all to see.

Keep checking back to TNI for more information on these as it becomes available throughout the week.
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