I'm debating between getting these or looking for a cheaper set of second hand Super7 turtles. Is it worth the extra cost for the Super7 to have better ankle articulation and better skin? I'm not sure.
Check out mad hatters review. I'm probably gonna cave
I'm on the fence about these. The texture doesn't bother me. I wish the had ball hinged wrists as well as ball hinged rocker ankles. I also don't like how playmates does hip joints.
Wait I swear I already commented on this. But since I seem to have messed up. Thanks for the heads up on the ankles mate.
Still not digging the pickle skin turtles, but admittedly they look better in these photos than they did in the initial promo shots.
Also, the side by side with the derpy first sketch turtles makes me love those little dweebs even more. I seriously need to get those sketch turtles!
I'll gladly take your money LOL
Would you please shut up and take my money .......