While companies like Mattel and Storm Collectibles will be giving us larger scale figures for the DC Comic based Injustice game, China company Hiya Toys will be bringing fans action figures from the Injustice 2 video game in the 3.75" scale. These will be on par with their Alien and soon to be released Predator line. For you Marvel Universe collectors out there, these should also be in pretty close scale with those. See this comparison of their Alien Colonial Marine figure with Hasbro's Marvel figures.
While images of the actual figures were not allowed due to them waiting for licensor approval, they did have some sketches for upcoming figures on hand that we can show you.
These figures will cost $20 each and the folks at Hyia Toys promises that the quality on these figures will be much improved over that of their earlier Aliens line. The figures will also feature accessories that match up with each character. We should get a better look at these new figures this summer at San Diego Comic Con, so stay-tuned.