Love this warrior figure even though it wasn't Warriors and Hogans best match at WCWHalloween havoc.Wrestlemania6 match is my all timefavorite match.
Something is off about the Rhonda likeness, but I can't figure out what. . .I like the display options though, it would be cool if Hasbro did the same with their Legends line.
Ive never really been a fan of Wrestling figures they have always been a little too toy like, these still look like kids toys to me (better articulated and with more accesories, but still a little too "cheap" for my liking). That Rhonda figure looks so bad in so many ways, with the jacket off the body looks well done but the jacket is too big (arms look really thick for her regular dimensions, looks real bulky, they could have easily made them thiner), as for her face its seems like they were trying to save money by using the same scultp and just digitaly scanned her with different expressions and just pasted them on the existing headscult, the angry looking face looks good enough but the other two just seem like they took the mold from the angry head and pasted the smiling face apps on it, the loose hair seems to be the same mold as the other one just remolded to fit the extra hair over it, (it seems to be done after the sculpting cause the hair just looks like its stuck weirdly over the head, kind of looks like a bad wig). The Ultimate warrior figure looks better over all but they should have gone with a more classical look for the chaacter.
I would totally use that ronda for a custom don't really care for Warrior if they make NWO Hollywood/Wolfpac Wrestler and DX wrestlers in these new molds I'd absolutely buy