Shown below is a look at the
ThunderCats Ultimates on display at this weekends
PowerCon via
Pixel-Dan. If you missed it earlier
this week,
Super7 announced they were going to be taking over from
Mattel the
ThunderCats Classic line starting with these 4 re-issued figures (
Lion-O, Panthro, Jackalman and
Mummy Mum-Ra) that included added accessories. These figures are currently up for pre-order at
Hopefully Super7 will be announcing if not showing the next wave of figures they plan on doing after these re-issues.
UPDATE: Still nothing on what figures we will sepcifically see beyond wave one, but here is how the the first 5 waves break down as far as releases:
Wave 1 - Now
Wave 2 - January 2020 - 4 Figures
Wave 3 - April 2020 - 4 Figures
Wave 4 - July 2020 - 4 Figures
Wave 5 - October 2020 - 4 figures.