That TMNT line is amazing! Classic appearance of the original figures with an updated design and articulation. Its just like the Bucky line fromBoss Fight Studios.
On 8/22/2019 at 6:47 AM, InspectorZartan said:This is going to take some budgeting. Basically if you are all in on these ultimate lines youll be looking at over$200 a month every month going to Super7 (not to mention if you also like some of their other lines like reaction then youre looking at even more).
Thats a pretty penny just to spend with one toy company each month.
Dont need wave 1 but Im definitely in for future Thundercats waves. I think TMNT likewise will be to hard to pass up. So really the only month of relief is going to maybe be that 3rd month where S7 is doing some 1 off franchise but even so Im expecting those too to be tempting more often than not. For this first 1 off wave (Conan)Ill definitely need to get Arnold although ideally would want to get all 4.
Yeah, I think there's a lot of crossover as far as fan interest goes with these lines. If you're into one, you'll probably be into the others. Super7 is acting like those college professors handing out massive amounts of homework for the week like their class is the only one your taking. haha!
If it was just Turtles or Thundercats or Conan, I'd be all in, but now that they're all releasing back to back, I'll have to pick and choose as the lines continue.
This is going to take some budgeting. Basically if you are all in on these ultimate lines youll be looking at over$200 a month every month going to Super7 (not to mention if you also like some of their other lines like reaction then youre looking at even more).
Thats a pretty penny just to spend with one toy company each month.
Dont need wave 1 but Im definitely in for future Thundercats waves. I think TMNT likewise will be to hard to pass up. So really the only month of relief is going to maybe be that 3rd month where S7 is doing some 1 off franchise but even so Im expecting those too to be tempting more often than not. For this first 1 off wave (Conan)Ill definitely need to get Arnold although ideally would want to get all 4.
So when do the Thundercats figures come out anyway? I can't find a date from the Super7 website or their Facebook page. With the figures just now going up for preorder, I'd imagine we have a long wait, but that "available now" tag in the display makes it seem like they're imminent.
I'm way more interested in the TMNT line than the Thundercats one. The Raph figure looks pretty good but I think some of the other characters look much better like the Foot Soldier and Baxter Stockman.
16 hours ago, JayC said:I do have to wonder with DC Collectibles, NECA and now Super7 all doing collector oriented stuff at the same time, how well any of them will really do.
I'd think they would overlap and screw each other over, but they're also doing very different things. My money's on NECA and Super7's taking it all since DCC is doing their designs for the movie and not everybody has or will watch it, while the others are banking on nostalgia, and that's selling hard. I'm passing on everything since everything turtles is impossible to get here.
5 hours ago, memocromatico said:I read someone, somewhere say "so everyone except Playmates can make amazing TMNT figures", and I have to say they're right.
After being caught up with Rise of the tmnt , I can safely say that it's average at best but has really good fighting visuals. The reason 2012 was so investing despite having similar backlash for its "kiddy" redesigns, it was very plot focused from the 1st episode onward while Rise sort of has a plot but refuses to move it forward or explain things properly. 2012 also blended well with previous turtle material & had better control of its tone while Rise feels contemporary & squeezing too manygags in its limited 12 min episoderuntime. It's currently on a seemingly hiatus for new episodes and the toyline has been slow in releasing stuff. I have seen turtles being sold in my area but haven't seen any new waves.
Are we finally going to get a Mako action figure?! Please let it be so!!! I need 10 of him! I doubt Red Sonja will be seen anytime soon as they need to get 3 licenses for her, the name, movie and actress likeness. I'd bet we'll see a new comic Red Sonja before we see a movie version.
Cant get over how good the Conan head looks.
1 hour ago, memocromatico said:I read someone, somewhere say "so everyone except Playmates can make amazing TMNT figures", and I have to say they're right.
Well that's because Playmates doesn't make their product for the collector. They are all about the kids and parents that buy them and they are basically locked into having to focus mostly on stuff for the current show which I don't think has been that popular. The last show was good and collectors liked it for the most part but not this one.
Playmates tried dipping their toes into the collector market with those 6" figures they did a couple years ago but sales just didn't seem to be there to warrant them doing more.
I do have to wonder with DC Collectibles, NECA and now Super7 all doing collector oriented stuff at the same time, how well any of them will really do.