2 hours ago, Skullbreak2320 said:Kinda nice seeing some new Star Trek TNG figures on the market.. I enjoy the Playmates line, so can't wait to see the new one's !
These seem interesting, but when is Enterprise gonna get some love? Sure you see merch occasionally, but it's few and far between. Sad state of affairs for a great show whose only real crime was being, as Connor "Trip" Trinneer once put it, "One trip to the well to many."
I will have to start watching the series since as a kid I never payed much attention to it... Maybe I get involved into it and get some of these figures...???
Kinda nice seeing some new Star Trek TNG figures on the market.. I enjoy the Playmates line, so can't wait to see the new one's !
Interesting line... I may get into this if I like the first pictures of these figures...
I'm glad to see these finally being done. I remember funko announcing them back when they still were doing reaction.
1 hour ago, Sybok55 said:Looking good. Worf needs to be taller than Picard; he looks shorter.
You're right, but from what I've seen, scale isn't really a sticking point with ReAction figures.
Looking good. Worf needs to be taller than Picard; he looks shorter.Maybe Wesley will resemble the missed Galoob figure.Hopefully, we'll even get a second wave: Romulan, Riker with beard, Troi, etc.