The new Super7 Thundercats Ultimates Wave 11 Figures featuring Claudus, Luna and Amok, Royal Thunderian Guard, & Ro-Bear Bill is available and in-stock from our sponsor Entertainment Earth. You can get 10% off any in-stock item when you use the code ToyNewsi.In a tale spanning the centuries, from Thundera to Third Earth, a rogues gallery of villains and a pantheon of heroes have helped shape the ThunderCats epic journey! Super7s latest release of 7 scale ThunderCats ULTIMATES! figures includes some of the greatest and most memorable characters- Luna and Amok, Ro-Bear Bill, a Thunderian Guard, and even the mighty Claudus! These highly articulated, made-to-order, ThunderCats ULTIMATES! figures feature intricate sculpt, premium paint detail, interchangeable heads and hands, and an assortment of accessories that will be the highlight of any collection!
I might pick up Claudus, but that one sticks out for sure.
14 hours ago, toynewman said:Belle at very least is pretty much a lock I would think. I'm more concerned we haven't gotten anymore Beserkers.
For me the Berzerk that I like the most is Cruncher... His figure was very wide... I used to have the toy version and would like to have the cartoon one...???
7 hours ago, toynewman said:Belle at very least is pretty much a lock I would think. I'm more concerned we haven't gotten anymore Beserkers.
see the fact they only did 1 Beserker so far got me concerned as well for the Berbils, They only did Hammerhand so far and there are a whole bunch more of those guys.
Man Quick-Jaws would be such a fun thing to see Super7 try, I suspect one of the reasons they have not done anymore berserkers is they are hard to do mainly because of the fact that they were mainly gimmicky figures with wacky action things, so if they can't do the wacky action things, they are kinda just meh. Hammerhand was obviously the easiest Berseker to do. Top Spinner is probably not hard either those other ones more so.
9 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:Yeah it should have been a multi-pack, with Bill, Belle & Bert. but in actuality these do look pretty much big enough to warrant a single release, but I'm just saying that from looking at the pack-out.
But I'm not buying Bill if they are just never gonna make any others, Berbil army or nothing. We need the promise of Belle, Bert & Bob or Super7 doesn't get my money.
Belle at very least is pretty much a lock I would think. I'm more concerned we haven't gotten anymore Beserkers.
1 minute ago, Roadpigmaster said:I actually was very disappointed not by the Berbil figure itself but by the Brian Flynn comments about since they are small that he probably make a pack of them... I think the interview was on the wewantthundercats youtube channels months ago...?
Yeah it should have been a multi-pack, with Bill, Belle & Bert. but in actuality these do look pretty much big enough to warrant a single release, but I'm just saying that from looking at the pack-out.
But I'm not buying Bill if they are just never gonna make any others, Berbil army or nothing. We need the promise of Belle, Bert & Bob or Super7 doesn't get my money.
16 minutes ago, Lord_Scareglow said:OMG I want Ro-Bear Bill! Berbils were my Jam, Ugh I loved them as a Kid, I wanted the Berbils so baddd, my mom was a hater and said no way to stupid robot bear ewok things, she was cool with Cat People, but no Robot Ewoks...LOL
I'm a grown up now so I'm buying all the Berbils! sorry Mom!
I actually was very disappointed not by the Berbil figure itself but by the Brian Flynn comments about since they are small that he probably make a pack of them... I think the interview was on the wewantthundercats youtube channels months ago...?
OMG I want Ro-Bear Bill! Berbils were my Jam, Ugh I loved them as a Kid, I wanted the Berbils so baddd, my mom was a hater and said no way to stupid robot bear ewok things, she was cool with Cat People, but no Robot Ewoks...LOL
I'm a grown up now so I'm buying all the Berbils! sorry Mom!
Very cool ?
I think this wave is great!! They nailed it this wave!!