Shown below via John on Facebook is a look at an unannounced and new G.I. Joe ReAction+ Python Patrol BAT Figure from Super7. Intel suggested this is possible a Target Exclusive but only time will tell. Stay tuned for anymore info.
15 hours ago, Jscott991 said:I've always wanted a Baroness and Cobra Commander in those winter coats. I hope they make them in Classified someday.
I hope we get more arctic inspired characters from the cartoon there were quite a few
Destro, Duke, Scarlett, Bazooka etc etc
It looks like there is also a cartoon snake eyes too.
I've always wanted a Baroness and Cobra Commander in those winter coats. I hope they make them in Classified someday.
53 minutes ago, toynewman said:More images for you guys:
All buys for me in that back card man... ????
Oh, you can peep the other waves on the back of the card. I must have missed any mentions before about the next wave. Cartoon Snake Eyes, Will Bill and Artic CC.
More images for you guys:
1 hour ago, toynewman said:Shown below via IGN is a look at the new SDCC 2025 Cold Slither Zartan ReAction+ Figure from Super7. Look for this figure to go up for pre-order on April 3rd on with a suggested retail price of $20.00.
Great, I was thinking what's going on on Classified doing it first but they are both releasing them. I wonder when the rest of the team will be released by Super 7... Maybe at other big events? I will buy this figure for sure man.????