10 hours ago, LordVenger said:Dang these are expensive. Loved the game. And Vincent is one of my favorites. But must pass.
Yeah, I'm glad I bought the old play arts ones before they went nuts with the prices. Articulation is a bit limited but sculpt-wise they still hold up. Just sucks they're incomplete with no Cid and Barret.
2 hours ago, LordVenger said:Yea sephiroth is a badass.
The new demo for Rebirth let's you play as him in Nibelheim.
3 minutes ago, toynewman said:I begrudgingly pre-ordered them all because of the long lead times between them coming out. Sephiroth, Tifa, Cid Highwind, Aerith and Cloud are my favs from the games.
Yea sephiroth is a badass.
3 minutes ago, LordVenger said:Dang these are expensive. Loved the game. And Vincent is one of my favorites. But must pass.
I begrudgingly pre-ordered them all because of the long lead times between them coming out. Sephiroth, Tifa, Cid Highwind, Aerith and Cloud are my favs from the games.
Dang these are expensive. Loved the game. And Vincent is one of my favorites. But must pass.
Shown below is the new Square Enix Bring Arts Final Fantasy VII & Xenogears Bring Arts Action Figures featuring Yuffie Kisaragi, Vincent Valentine, Cait Sith & Fat Moogle and Cid Highwind from Final Fantasy VII as well as Bartholomew Fatima from Xenogears are available for pre-order from our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth with a suggested retail price of $119.99 each.