Power Rangers 4" Ranger Slayer Custom Figure By Dravenheart

by Jay Cochran
November 3, 2019
This week's TNI Cool Custom is of a 4" Power Rangers Ranger Slayer figure. This was done by Dravenheart. Here is how they describe the making of this figure:

For those who don't know, in an alternate reality in the Power Rangers comic, Tommy remained evil and became Lord Drakkon. After this, he killed most of the Rangers and turned Kimberly into his main soldier, the Ranger Slayer.

Sculpted up the right arm gauntlet, belt, morpher, left arm, shoulder pad, collar, upper torso, bracers on her upper legs, knees, and hands. Modified and resculpted the helmet a bit, too. Second head was also from BossFight with the hair sculpted on. Cape was cut from material and glued on. Need to find a different kind of material to work with. Bow was a random one I had on hand, completely resculpted. I'll be posting a before and after short of both the figure and the bow on Instagram later this week. Dravenheart2012 for those interested. Full repaint, and finally all done!


Base - BossFightStudio Female Blank
Bow - possibly a Lord of the Rings figure?
Helmet - MMPR 2010 Pink Ranger

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Dravenheart - 2020-04-22 @ 8:15 pm

Years ago, I made my first Spiral figure. Went with X-Force since it was a simpler design to pull together. At the time, it was an insanely impressive project for me. I've been dying to revisit it since I've gotten better. And hopefully at some point I can get around to giving her classic design another go, as well.

So, it isn't super difficult to remove the Valkyie arms and insert them into a singular body. It would maintain the full articulation, but I hate how it looks. And once you get them to sit properly, it kills the mobility anyway. So, instead, I cut the pegs off, dremel into the main body, and glue them in place. Just angle them in different directions so it allows for the illusion of full mobility. Sculpted up the fur boots. From there, a full repaint, topped off with a few swords, and all done!


Base, Extra Arms - MU ValkyrieHair - MU She-HulkSwords - MU Valkyrie and Marauder casts

spiral15 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrspiral16 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrspiral17 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrspiral19 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrspiral20 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrspiral21 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickr

Dravenheart - 2020-04-22 @ 8:13 pm

First did this piece a few years ago and have been wanting to revisit it ever since. Thankfully, I finally got the chance. It's based on the Marvel Legends Cable, and this time around I was able to get a lot of the details much closer to his larger counterpart. It's still definitely my favorite look for him.

I cut the lower legs at the boot and extended them a bit since they make him a bit too short for my liking. Sculpted up the back of the gloves, the knees, pants and pouches, lower leg armor, additional strap on the belt, the metal on his face, and the full upper torso. Started with some metal going up his neck, then the full armor over it. Took a couple layers, but went much smoother this time around. I really struggled with it last time. Full repaint, and all done!


Upper Torso, Head, Arms, Gun - MU CableLower Torso - MU SandmanUpper Legs - MU GladiatorLower Legs - Captain America Movie WW2 Cap

cable11 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrcable12 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrcable13 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrcable14 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrcable16 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickr

Dravenheart - 2020-03-15 @ 11:26 pm

I didn't initially plan on having the female Spawn done this week. I had forgotten she was one I wanted to make altogether. But then I saw the gameplay trailer for Spawn in MK11 - the announcement that started this whole endeavor - and saw the female skin for Jacqui. Was a bizarre choice. But, it kicked up my interest, and here we are!

I hate spikes. They were bad on the male Spawn, but trying to make them even smaller for a female variation was agony. Oy. Fully built on the BossFight blank with everything sculpted on. Bracers, boot, skulls, cape, and every, single spike. Glued some small chain on, gave her a full repaint, and all done!

Base - BossFightStudio Female Blank

spawn22 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrspawn23 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrspawn24 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrspawn25 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickr

Dravenheart - 2020-03-15 @ 11:25 pm

Years ago, I made a simpler variation of Spawn. Many less spikes and no shredded cape. Then I did a Commando Spawn. Low on the articulation, heavy on the armaments. And then a couple years ago I made the Angel Spawn and Angela. I've considered revisiting her and making Redeemer. Not sure yet. There was another Spawn design in the mix as well, but I'm not sure what design it was. But finally I've gotten around to making a proper classic Spawn! Whew.

I really wanted to go over the top with the cape, but I needed it to still be manageable. Fully sculpted up the cape, bracers, skulls, arm band, leg pouches, boot, leg bands, and all of the spikes. Glued some chain on, a full repaint, and all done!


Body - MU DaredevilHead - BossFightStudio Male Blank

spawn18 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrspawn19 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrspawn20 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrspawn21 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickr

Dravenheart - 2020-03-15 @ 11:25 pm

I've been wanting to revisit this guy for ages. I never could get into the Savage Dragon comic, but I always did like his design. Pretty much the same issue I've had with a lot of characters, honestly. I made him once years ago, but was never really satisfied with that rendition. I've seen some amazing hulking designs done by some phenomenal customizers, but I still wanted to try something a bit more balanced.

Sanded down all the hair on the head. And then a little bit more. Smoothed over the head, then sculpted on the fin. Took a couple tries to get a pattern I liked. Fill in the holes on the back of the Hyperion upper torso. From there, gave him a full repaint, and all done!


Head, Upper Torso, Lower Arms - MU HyperionLower Torso, Legs - MU SandmanUpper Arms - MU Hercules

savagedragon10 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrsavagedragon11 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrsavagedragon12 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrsavagedragon13 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrsavagedragon14 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickr

Dravenheart - 2020-02-02 @ 5:47 pm

So, over a year ago they brought some Street Fighter characters into Power Rangers Legacy Wars and made Ryu into a Ranger himself. A few months ago, they brought them back and added a Chun Li Blazing Phoenix Ranger into the mix. Since they're here to stay this time, I don't know if they'll introduce any additional Street Fighter Rangers, but I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed for Cammy.

Head was still from the BossFight female blank. I just sanded it down a bit, then fully sculpted on the helmet. Everything else on the figure was sculpted on. The bracelets, skirt pieces, belt, gloves, armbands, chest armor, top of the boots, and even the yellow stripes going down her legs. After all that, a full repaint, and all done!

Base - BossFightStudio Female Blank

chunli12 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrchunli13 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrchunli14 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrchunli15 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickr

Dravenheart - 2020-02-02 @ 5:46 pm

This is actually my first Joker figure. How long ago did I start making figures? About ten years or so, and this is the first time I've ever actually made a Joker. A great one to start with, too. I'm not sure where the head originated from. The guy who commissioned the piece sent it to me.

Cut and dremeled the feet to fit. Sculpted up the pants, vest, collar, tie, and sleeves. Had to dremel the head a decent bit to finally get it to fit. Full repaint, and all done!


Body - MU DaredevilHands - MU Steve RogersFeet - Gamerverse Mr NegativeJacket - Star Wars General HuxHead - no clue

joker by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrjoker2 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrjoker3 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrjoker4 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickr

Dravenheart - 2020-01-06 @ 1:39 am

I've been talking about trying to revisit this guy for ages. I made a couple renditions of him ages ago, but was never quite satisfied with them. Finally, recently got to go back and not just remake the two I did before, but fix up all of his variations. Stone, Crystalline, Metallic, and the Magma transformation in the Metallic variation.

After I swapped out all the parts, everything was sculpted. Boots, pants, skirt sections, stone arms, stone chest, straps and shoulder pads, facemask, and hood. After all that, full repaints, and all done!


Head, Upper Torso, Arms, Upper Legs - MU HyperionLower Torso, Lower Legs - MU Wonder Man

tremor22 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrtremor23 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrtremor27 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrtremor31 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrtremor35 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickr

Dravenheart - 2020-01-06 @ 1:39 am

One of the very first customs I ever made was a Dexter Morgan. That was back when I was focusing a lot of my work on the Wolverine Origins bodies and was still trying to work out what paints I liked. That one was a bit more of a casual wear design. Since I've been revisiting a ton of old projects this year, I decided to give him another go. It helped that AngryNomad shrunk a Dexter head.

Sculpted up the full shirt and the pants. Swapped out the lower legs, and made the pants a little bit baggier over the boots. Also had to redo the boots slightly to they were a little shorter. Full repaint, topped off with a random knife, and done!


Base - MU Steve RogersHead - AngryNomad castLower Legs - random Joe

dextermorgan5 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrdextermorgan6 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrdextermorgan7 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrdextermorgan8 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickr

Dravenheart - 2019-12-03 @ 12:17 am

I've been considering this off and on for a while, and I've finally tried my first diorama piece. At one point a couple years ago I considered switching to display pieces so I could focus more on the details than the mobility. Coming off making a commission where I had to sacrifice some aspects of the design to maintain articulation, and it bothered me a bit. But, I didn't like the idea of trying to ship a diorama. Anyway, I was asked locally to fix up a She-Ra and we went all out with a full display. The idea was to mimic the image of her standing on a cliff with the Crystal Castle framing her in the distance. It was a ton of fun, and I have more ideas I want to try, but not sure when I'll get to them.

Figure first. Resculpted the bracers slightly. Sculpted up the shirt, collar, and armor sections across the torso. Cut and glued the skirt in place. Rounded out the back with sculpt, then sculpted on the belt. Sculpted up the boots, and resculpted the headpiece. Had to cut and resculpt the sword a little bit, and add the gem. Cut out some cloth, glued it to her back, gave her a full repaint, and all done!

And the display. Started with a wooden base. Something from a craft store. Sculpted everything on top of it. Started with the stone look, then fixed up the castle base. After that, I sculpted up the central tower piece, and then painstakingly sculpted on every single other detail on top of that. I actually did use a couple small gems at the top. I keep forgetting about those. Glued them on to make my life a little easier. It is most definitely the most complex and intricate thing I have ever made from scratch. It's not perfect, but She-Ra hides the major flaws and she's happy with the final product, and that's what matters. Full repaint, and all done!


Body - BossFightStudio Female BlankBracers - BossFightStudio armorHeels - MU Emma FrostHead - MU EnchantressSword - AngelForge castSkirt - Infinite Heroes Mary MarvelCape - craft cloth

shera by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrshera2 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickrshera3 by Casey Moorehead, on Flickr

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