Fresh Monkey Fiction, in collaboration with designer and sculptor Arlen Pelletier and exclusively offered through
BigBadToyStore, present The Bizarre World of Naughty or Nice Halloween Collection.
The Bizarre World of Naughty or Nice Presents: The Story of Trick or Treat
In a quaint village, nestled between mist-covered hills, lived two peculiar brothers named Petor and Patch Pumpkin. Their heads were carved from enchanted pumpkins, which glowed with a warm, otherworldly light. Every Halloween night, the brothers embarked on their special mission.
Petor, the elder brother, had a twinkle of mischief in his pumpkin eyes. Patch, the younger one, was full of innocence and kindness. Together, they formed an extraordinary pair. Legend had it that the Pumpkin brothers were the guardians of Halloween, watching over the children of the village. Petor would playfully tease Patch, testing his younger brother's patience to ensure his heart remained pure. Patch, in turn, would gently remind Petor of the importance of second chances and redemption.
As each new year began, Petor and Patch would send their beloved Haultings out at the start of each evening to observe the behavior of every child, taking note of their kindness, honesty, and manners. The Haultings would return before sunrise each morning to report their findings back to both Petor and Patch.
On the night of every All Hallows' Eve, the brothers would don their cloaks woven from spider silk and set off on their journey with a sack of pumpkins in tow. With their pumpkins heads casting a soft, warm glow, Petor and Patch would visit the homes of the children.
If a child had been kind, respectful, and well-behaved throughout the year, Patch would place a small pumpkin on their doorstep. These pumpkins would be filled with candy. These treats would bring joy and wonder to the hearts of the deserving children.
However, if a child had been naughty, selfish, or dishonest, Petor would leave behind a pumpkin that would explode when opened. This trick was a gentle reminder that their actions had consequences, and that they should strive to be better in the coming year.
Over time, the village children learned to cherish the annual visits of Petor and Patch, some with excitement as they wished for a special pumpkin treat and others with apprehension as they hoped to not get tricked. The legend of the pumpkin-headed brothers spread far and wide, encouraging children to strive for goodness and to be mindful of their actions.
And so, each year, as the leaves turned gold and the nights grew chilly, the villagers would light lanterns and place them outside their homes to welcome Petor and Patch. The pumpkin-headed brothers would continue their tradition, reminding children that Halloween was not just about treats and tricks, but also about the choices they made throughout the year.