Man everytime i see their MOTU and SheRa figs, just impress the hell out of me. Just those price tags are so hard to swallow. That mock up for She Ra is fantastic!
Oh man some goodies coming from Mondo, that Creature figure looks superb, I'd be tempted, even though I'd say I have pretty much that figure already but smaller, and already but the newer design, the Hordak also awesome...and Keldor w/ the flaming skull head, damn, and that She-Ra should be beautiful , I already screamed when i saw they were doing a Man-thing figure
Knowing Mondo, and considering what's happening in the world right now, It's likely going to be quite a bit later than next May for that Joker to be released, but as long as I'm still around, and they don't mess up the design like with Catwoman, I am absolutely getting it. I think it was three (maybe four?) years ago, I talked to Brock Otterbach about the BTAS line and where it was going after Batman and Mr. Freeze.Hordak, Keldor, and that Mothra statue are pretty tempting, too.
I can't wait for the Creature from the Black Lagoon to come out.