Love the update to his attire but hate the headsculpt.
Shown below is the new Mondo SDCC 2023 Masters of the Universe: Prince Adam 1/6 Scale Figure and will be available for pre-order on Wednesday, July 19 (Preview Night) Online Exclusives Sale at 10 AM PT/1PM EST with a suggested retail price of $250.00.HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA
An SDCC 2023 online exclusive, we're excited to add the royal heir with a big secret to our Masters of the Universe 1/6 scale line. Featuring over 30 points of articulation, swappable portraits and Power Masks, fabric costume elements and an array of weapons (including three Power Swords).Product Includes: Prince Adam FigureNeutral PortraitSmiling PortraitLaughing PortraitPower Sword: SilverPower Sword: Pink (Transparent)"I Have The Power" SwordFlame Thrower GauntletFreeze Ray BlasterRemovable Sword HarnessMask of Power: GreenMask of Power: PinkFabric Shirt and PaintsFaux Fur Loin Cloth and Boot FurFigure StandLimit two per customer. Payment plans are available. Estimated to ship January 2024. Ships to select countries. Free shipping to the United States, Canada, UK and the EU.