That animated Spidey is going to be pretty close to a Romita Spidey. Coupled with the fact that animated Peter Parker is based on Nicholas Hammond from the live action series....might be too much for me to resist lol. Depending on how it comes out of course.
That Teela is something else altogether, especially if check the videos, they really outdid themselves with her. makes me wish there was more realistic MOTU line in 6 inch scale. I dunno how to feel about Spider-man and Venom, I do know they will look amazing but I'm skeptical if they can improve articulation, because they don't even have full and proper range of motion with articulation points they already have but maybe just maybe they can make Spidey and Venom special since here basic movement is indeed important.
Shown below via ToyShiz are images from yesterday's DesignerCon Mondo panel where they showed off a new 1/6 scale Batman The Animated Series Bane figure. From Marvel they showed three upcoming 1/6 scale Spider-Man: The Animated Series figures which include Spider-Man, Venom and Black Costume Spider-Man. Also shown is their 1/6 scale X-Men 97 Cyclops.