McFarlane- Does Supergirl's knees look weird to anyone else? Maybe it's just the lighting or the angle from the pics, but they seem like they're odd or discolored in some way. Big fan of Johns' JSA, so I'm down for Starman, Hourman and Damage, as well as Conner, Hawkgirl and of course Gordon. Don't need Superman-at-the-dentist (Godzilla fig) or pretty much anything else I'm seeing, though the black Azreal Batman suit does look smooth. Unlike the Superfriends headscultps. I get that they're emulating the cartoon, but the end results look a little goofy. And if the articulation is as limited as it looks (T-bar waists? Really?) then that's two strikes and I can pass on those. Also, so... Arnold Freeze is now a Frostbite edition, not Blacklight? But without the Frostbite effect? What's even the point? Or is that figure just randomly put in front packaging for the Clooney Frostbite Batman? Can't really tell since he's obscuring the writing on the box.
G.I. Joe - Everything looks great, only thing I'm not interested in there is the NightForce stuff. That Flint head is going to be a godsend for a custom I've been meaning to do.
Mattel - Kinda like the update on Terror-claws Skeletor. Some of the Thundercats crossover stuff looks better than others. Cartoon collection looks solid, especially Bow. Masterverse Hordak looks perfect.
Does anyone else feel like the Star Wars line is dying out?
Does HiYa do 6-inch? Didn't realize that, certainly looks like it. They have my attention, now.
Nacelle's stuff looks great, though not sure if there's room for me to pick any of it up, being honest with myself.
There was also a 7 Nightmaster shown.
That retro ftr packaging is pretty dope , I like how it looks old and worn out
Shown below are images from the Cracking of the Vault event Jazwares held yesterday at their 2025 New York Toy Fair booth. Show are product for AWE, Halo and more. It was also announced that Jazwares will be doing action figures for the final season of the Stranger Things Netflix series with figures in various scales. Stay-tuned for more details on that soon.
Oh, wait... hold on... what? STOP THE PRESS. HIYA IS MAKING BREAKING BAD/BETTER CALL SAUL?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does no one else hear that song? I hear it... 'ceeeeeeel-ebrate good times, come on!'
No one else is hearing that?
Ok. Hm. Must be only me.
I am not the type to collect and complete an entire line but Hiya Breaking Bad... I'm going to need a whole new shelf.
ANNNNNNNNNNNNNND... is that the 1/12 metal-Robocop thats been on pre-order for like 3+ years? Its actually happening???!!!
Also you all talking about McFarlane losing DC license... the volume of that song in my head just got louder to me...which is bittersweet since they actually releasted 1 or 2 things that changed my opinion of them. But I really would like to see a different style of figs and not The McFarlane Way.
MASK... the figs look ok but its all about those vehicles. Would be interested to see one in person.
The original MASK were 3 inchers, smaller than Joes. Ramen was floating the idea of remaking MASK as 1/18. All the more reason to be disappointed that the IP went to Loyal Subjects. Which was the other thing Ramen was doing that was cool, they would make variants of the vehicles like a transparent one. I doubt we'd get anything like that from LS.
Super7... now that I SEE the Artic Cobra Commander... pass. Looks weird to me to have the coat hem painted onto the legs. I kind of wish they hadn't squandered that wave on such a thing. Zartan and Will Bill is it.
I own a lot of Super7 stuff and love them but as a Beastie Boys fan I highly dislike the Sabotage crap. Was the contract they signed with the Beastie Boys stipulated they could ONLY make the characters from the Sabotage video and to never ever make any figures of the actual rappers as themselves? The Sabotage stuff doesn't even have any Beastie Boys logos on it. I get the premise... in some alternate Earth, Sabotage is an actual TV series and these are the toys that go with it. As a B-boys fan, thats lame to me.They made the kaiju characters from the Intergalactic video which had high hopes we'd see the B-boys in the Japanese hard-hat gear. Hopefully Super7 will do something better with Beastie Boys, if they can. Not to mention Adam Yauch having long passed... if one is making a toy of him, then he deserves better. As much as Cliff Burton and Biggie.
And Nacelle co... I whined before that no one was making legacy characters and now they show some cool stuff! Im gonna need a Jellico and Capt Sulu! Make it so!
Crystal Ball is looking like a straight up Mortal Kombat crossover figure! Sleeper hit this year!
Shown below are images from the Diamond Select Toys booth at this years New York Toy Fair.
2 hours ago, aca1raven said:I really don't like how we haven't gotten any updates on the Ver.4 Snake Eyes yet
Fan Stream coming on the 18th of this month. I'd be very surprised if we don't see at least a render.
9 minutes ago, BrazyBear said:Need these 2 but I bet they'll sell out faster than Power Girl...which sold out in like 30 seconds. Shout out to the 5 regular collectors and 100s of ebay scalpers who'll actually get these.
If you're willing to buy from Gamestop and Best Buy, then, like Power Girl, Hawkgirl and Supergirl are likely to be available a bit longer than from Amazon and BBTS.