I know a lot of folks have gone ga-ga over the McFarlane presentation at WonderCon. Sadly, I was not moved by 95% of it. I had seen the Two-Face release already, but what struck me is the Kite Man figure. Here is a minor Batman villain getting released, while we're still waiting for a comics' based Poison Ivy, Ventriloquist w/ Scarface, Mad Hatter, & Scarecrow. All of these villains are top rogues in Batman's list of villains. McFarlane has had the DC license for 5 years now. Truly pathetic.
I did like the BATMAN RETURNS figures and hope we see an '89 BATMAN Joker, BATMAN & ROBIN Bane, & THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Ra's al Ghul & Talia al Ghul...but I'm not holding my breath.
I'm just dumbfounded by the last two B-A-F figures in the Batman Animated line: Bruce Wayne in a suit & Jonah Hex? The collectors want villains! If anyone from McFarlane would even take a casual glance at the BTAS message boards, they'd know the people that spend money want Hugo Strange, Clock King, Red Claw, & Rupert Throne. They'd like to complete their collections before McFarlane calls it a day. Heck, they have the of Talon prototype from DC Direct's presentation at the 2019 NY Comic Con which would be great. He's a villain!
Just like the BTAS line, collectors of the Batman '66 retro line were originally promised by Todd McFarlane himself that we'd get all of the TV show's villains. Now we're getting Super Friends? No thanks. We want Mad Hatter, False Face, Shame, Siren, Archer, Louie the Lilac, Black Widow, & Minstrel. Come on Todd, back up your promise to the fans.
If anyone at Mattel is reading this, I can assure you that if McFarlane doesn't deliver on these figures before their done, these figures are low hanging fruit for you to start your new releases for the begining of the DC license in mid-2026. You'll be building good will with the Batman collectors big time.
Where is joker?
Damn... I never cared about Mondo MOTU before, they were cool but too large and too expensive. But Clawful never got a proper 200X MacFarlane toy - I have the Staction statue but an action figure would be great. I wonder how big an 1:12 toy is?
Whoa, it seems MacFarlane finally realized that DC has more characters than Batman. Seriously most of their previous toy waves had like 4 versions of Batman in them. Now they are actually making characters I am tempted to get. Like, seriously, Mr. (Director) Bones??? Never thought I'd see him get a toy. Or Monarch!
I gotta keep telling myself my daughter is five and I cannot get her a mondo swiftwind.
40 minutes ago, Steven3 said:There are good and disappointments, the Eradicator is the same lame version as before (with the same lame cape. ), and if I'm right the Cyborg Superman is the same body(with a slightly better cape), Superboy looks like it's a bit better than the last one(hopefully with a jacket version), I'm still waiting for them to release the long haired Superman again(without pixels and in black), Wonder Woman's skirt I guess will be problematic again(like Supergirl), Superman (New 52) looks good too(Page Punchers-Supi's body but that's ok. ), Mister Miracle I'm happy with but I'll need a Barda to go with it, Monarch is good too, I need another classic Waverider, I see Hawk & Dove is still missing(maybe next time). At last, Batman Returns, it looks like head and neck in one, but the final version may not.
Is there any indication he intends to do Dove? I haven't seen her mentioned in leaks. A Dawn Granger Dove would be great (ideally in her Darkest Night look instead of some weird variant).
There are good and disappointments, the Eradicator is the same lame version as before (with the same lame cape. ), and if I'm right the Cyborg Superman is the same body(with a slightly better cape), Superboy looks like it's a bit better than the last one(hopefully with a jacket version), I'm still waiting for them to release the long haired Superman again(without pixels and in black), Wonder Woman's skirt I guess will be problematic again(like Supergirl), Superman (New 52) looks good too(Page Punchers-Supi's body but that's ok. ), Mister Miracle I'm happy with but I'll need a Barda to go with it, Monarch is good too, I need another classic Waverider, I see Hawk & Dove is still missing(maybe next time). At last, Batman Returns, it looks like head and neck in one, but the final version may not.
It's hard to be sure in just the booth pictures, but it looks like Mondo improved their She-Ra head.
Kite man hell yeah also mirror master great to see more rogues hopefully he can make more before he lose the license
If Penguin comes with a soft goods coat, maybe there's hope for that page punchers Superboy to come with his jacket?