Wonder Woman is the fourth movie to be released in Warner Bros.’ all-encompassing DC Universe franchise. It also is the best one to date which isn’t too surprising when you consider that Wonder Woman (Gal Godot) was probably the best thing to come out of the Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice movie.
Wonder Woman picks up shortly after the events of Dawn Of Justice, but make no mistake - this is 100% an origin story movie for the Diana Prince character. DC seems to take a page from Marvel’s playbook with a story set in the distant past like we saw in the first Captain America movie. In fact, this movie had a very similar feel.
The movie reveals various aspects of Diana’s life including her early childhood and first encounter with a man, Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), an American spy who accidentally crashes his airplane on the island of Themyscira, Diana’s home. Soon after becoming aquatinted with one-another, Trevor and Diana set off together on an adventure that eventually takes them to the front lines of World War I.
The movie has a much lighter feel than previous DC films with situational and physical humor surrounding Diana’s interactions with Trevor and the patriarchal World War I era world. In fact the on-screen chemistry that develops between the two over the course of the movie is probably the best thing about the film and helps to balance the disillusionment Diana faces as she faces war for the first time. Don’t worry though, there is plenty of action as Wonder Woman kicks some serious butt on multiple occasions. I will say that the special effects used in some of the fight scenes came off looking a little cheesy at times. I don’t know if it was all the slow-motion sequences or perhaps the overuse of CGI. While I enjoyed the overall movie, I think most Marvel movie fight sequences look more realistic than the DC ones. All-in-all, probably the most disappointing thing about this movie was the lack of after-credit scene like we saw at the end of Suicide Squad.
With all the Batman and Superman movies that have been released over the years, it seems long overdue for Wonder Woman to get a solo film so I am happy to say this one does not disappoint. I think fans young and old, male and female will come out of the theater enjoying this one. Let’s just hope this trend continues with Warner Bros. next DC film, Justice League, which comes out later this year.
Grade: B+
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