At first, I didn't think much of this show, it came across as a poor man's Avengers show but as it went on and it embraced its campy tone and over the top-ness it became enjoyable. I watch now to see what ridiculous gimmick they come up with next. When we were watching the Obama episode and Grodd said make "America Grodd again" my wife and I both chuckled out loud real hard and she said you can tell the main execs at CW don't check this show before it airs and they get away with anything.
5 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:Well if you think about it, its not uncommon for a collector to have something customized for them so why couldn't Odin??
Fair point.
6 hours ago, FASVB said:Very creative of you. A bit far-fetched don't you think? haha
Well if you think about it, its not uncommon for a collector to have something customized for them so why couldn't Odin??
11 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:lol I have a silly theory about the Infinity Gauntlet. So back when Odin was trying to conquer the 9 realms he decided that he wanted a way to wield all the infinity stones and he called upon Eitri to forge him a weapon and so Eitri went to work making the gauntlet and brought the prototype to Odin for his approval and Odin was like "I like it but could you putit on the left hand instead?" and by the time Eitri made the final gauntlet Odin was all about bringing peace so Eitri just held onto it until Thanos came and took it but thats why you see the mold from the other hand in Infinity War.
Very creative of you. A bit far-fetched don't you think? haha
22 hours ago, FASVB said:Mallus has mentioned that little girl Constantine tried to save many times during the las season. Since CW is a Warner company and the rights of the character belong to them, maybe when they cancelled at NBC they took everything back and NBC was just for broadcasting. Constantine is been aired on the CW Seed.
Anyway, there are two Helmets of Fate and this season maybe we will get an explanation. Hope it's not like in Thor Ragnarok and he goes like: "You guys have a Helmet of Fate, but this is fake"
lol I have a silly theory about the Infinity Gauntlet. So back when Odin was trying to conquer the 9 realms he decided that he wanted a way to wield all the infinity stones and he called upon Eitri to forge him a weapon and so Eitri went to work making the gauntlet and brought the prototype to Odin for his approval and Odin was like "I like it but could you putit on the left hand instead?" and by the time Eitri made the final gauntlet Odin was all about bringing peace so Eitri just held onto it until Thanos came and took it but thats why you see the mold from the other hand in Infinity War.
10 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:Yeah, I'm not entirely sure ifConstantine's show is even considered canon or if they just brought in the actor and thats it but I always saw it connected in my mind at least.?
Mallus has mentioned that little girl Constantine tried to save many times during the las season. Since CW is a Warner company and the rights of the character belong to them, maybe when they cancelled at NBC they took everything back and NBC was just for broadcasting. Constantine is been aired on the CW Seed.
Anyway, there are two Helmets of Fate and this season maybe we will get an explanation. Hope it's not like in Thor Ragnarok and he goes like: "You guys have a Helmet of Fate, but this is fake"
4 hours ago, FASVB said:But since they are time travelers, Rip got the future version. I don't really know which aprt of the seires if the whole series is considered canon on the Arrowverse.
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure ifConstantine's show is even considered canon or if they just brought in the actor and thats it but I always saw it connected in my mind at least.?
6 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:I just remember his helmet being in Constantine's house in his show and hoping he'd show up.
But since they are time travelers, Rip got the future version. I don't really know which aprt of the seires if the whole series is considered canon on the Arrowverse.
4 hours ago, FASVB said:Yes! That is one that I forgot! He is essential. I think that he was in episodes of the JSA and the helmet of Fate is in the Waverider.
I just remember his helmet being in Constantine's house in his show and hoping he'd show up.