Now this
Wonder Woman delayed and will see release only in 2020
I wonder (no pun intended) whats she meant by "changing landscape" and "rightful place".
On 10/17/2018 at 8:58 AM, Belmont13 said:The DCEU needs a point man like Marvel's Kevin Feige, they need someone who has a semblance of a plan/direction for the characters and the universe, someone who is willing to fight the execs and put his/her foot down when they want to interfere with the movie. It has become painfully clear that neither Geoff Johns or Zack Snyder are that person.
Yea, I couldnt agree more, with this assessment... In fact, Ive basically been saying the same thing for a while now. And thats coming from somebody who has mostly liked the DCEU efforts for what they were, but also being absolutely aware of, and dissatisfied with, all of the behind the scenes WTFery that has been, and remains, ongoing. It is incredulous to me how inept WB is, when it comes to these properties. And the lack of a creative vision, of focus for these brands and characterson whole, has damn near run the entire thing straight into the ground, at this point.
Well. at this point is pretty much doomed. They wanted so much to be like marvel that forgot to be an universe of their own and establish the characters and stories.
Sure a guy like Feige at the helm makes the difference and Feof Johns could fill that role, however, Marvel Studios and Feige have something that directors and producers at DC don't have and that is independence.
Warner is at the top and sends all the orders don't comply and you are out. Plain and simple. Or if you make something we don't like we go over you and change the whole thing.
This is a clear recipe for disaster. The same thing happens to Sony and Fox.
11 hours ago, Belmont13 said:The DCEU needs a point man like Marvel's Kevin Feige,
Marvel would not have the success it's had without Feige. So much so that every franchise is out to try to duplicate what Marvel has done. From DC to Star Wars to franchise started back in the 80s or earlier. WB may have a couple of movies that work on their own as stand alones but as a universe builder, it's a complete and total misfire.
Cancel them all, take a vacation and try again in 5 years. Geoff Johns, go back to writing awesome comic stories.
The DCEU needs a point man like Marvel's Kevin Feige, they need someone who has a semblance of a plan/direction for the characters and the universe, someone who is willing to fight the execs and put his/her foot down when they want to interfere with the movie. It has become painfully clear that neither Geoff Johns or Zack Snyder are that person. I have yet to see Justice League but the rest of the movies in the DCEU so far have failed to impress me. I enjoyed Man of Steel, I have quite a few problems with it, but I still enjoy it and now Superman's future is uncertain. What saddens me most about this is that I was looking forward to DC/WB tackling the Green Lantern again. It's a shame out my top 3 favorite comic book characters 2 of them have been done near perfectly in live action and Hal Jordan still remains with that 2011 atrocity. Heck, at this point I'll take Kyle Rayner just don't go with Guy or John Stewart.
I've said it so many times I feel like a broken record: There is NO PLAN for DC characters at WB.
I would say reboot it all, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll come up with a plan if they do. Just let it rest.
My biggest complaint with DCEU, and this has been echoed by many, is that they didnt build their world like MCU did. They saw the success of MCU and forced their way into a cinematic universe using Man of Steel as a stepping stone. It would have been great to have had the two franchisesrunning concurrently. Marvel has always been my preference, but I have nothing against DC. Both are great when handled properly.
So much of this feels like a tail that wags the dog kind of problem... WB came out andannounced all of these ambitious titles, without any real concrete plan in line to go over, step-by-step. And, as we see, they certainly had no contingency plan, to speak of. And, its a real shame to see it all imploding in on itself now, especially as these characters are some of my all-time favorites. Superman and his Justice League compatriots are tantamount to the Epic of Gilgamesh and Hercules myths of old. Theyre fantastical, and wondrous. And WB doesnt seem to know thing one about how to best utilize them. The same problem currently exists with their Titans series, as far as Im concerned. They keep trying to reinvent the wheel, because they think audiences will find their characters old and stale, as-is. And I just have to wonder and, I say this as someone who has mostly enjoyed the DCEU films, thus far how many screw-ups are they going to have to go through, before they take a step back, take stock, andlearnsomething from their impetuous mistakes??
I spoke about this with friends a long time ago, when the DC slate was revealed. They were being too ambitious and saturating the market. Even now, Marvel is doing just that, 2-3 movies a year. 12 series, most with at least a couple of seasons. It's getting a bit too much. We as public are getting bombarded by superhero properties, and while most are enjoyable, we're clearly gonna start to turn away from what isn't worth our time and money.