Theyve got me really wanting to tune into this, simply by virtue of the fact that the John Wesley Shipp Barry Allen Flash is involved... They teased him at the end of the most recent episode of Supergirl. Not that Im watchinganyof the DCTV series, at all. But, they got me interested with Shipp, so I will be watching Elseworlds.
I have been losing interest, too. Flash had a great first season and it only got worse as it went, last season was so awful that I'm not even remotely interested in the new one. Supergirl had a great first season and was the strongest series imo but the move to CW really hurt it and it's just keeps getting more cringy but at least Melissa Benoist is a strong actress and charismatic enough that she makes the show somewhat watchable. Legends of Tomorrow is campy but at least it knows it and it can be fun at times. Arrow, at this point is hit and miss it can be good at times and boring at others but the supporting characters(with the exception of Felicity) are interesting and provide a nice balance. Of course with the cancellation of Daredevil I have to rely on the CW for my Superhero show fix.
Ive lost interest in all the DC shows. Ive been out of the loop for a while but they just started going all over the place and the characters/actors just werent doing it for me. Glad to see DC getting some success for once tho.