16 minutes ago, Belmont13 said:I'll track it down then, I'm not much for fighting games but I have always loved Mortal Kombat.
I m a bit of a fighting game fanatic so I can be a little crazy about them.
I'll track it down then, I'm not much for fighting games but I have always loved Mortal Kombat.
2 hours ago, Belmont13 said:It will be interesting to see what they do now, storywise. I loved Mortal Kombat 9 from the story to the character designs, it helped that I hadn't played a MK game since number 4 came out, maybe I should track down MK10 and play it, is it any good?
You played pretty much the only good ones (except mk4, that one wasnt great) heh altho I did enjoy Deception a bit. MKX is really good. Some new characters arent nearly as good but the overall game is great and the brutalities are a neat retweaked addition. The story in MKX wasnt too shabby either. I also enjoyed the DLC characters and guest characters were pretty great. Alien, Jason, Predator, AND Leatherface!? just awesome and they brought back some old favorites from previous mk games but redone in a much better way.Definitely recommend grab it, especially now that it can be found super cheap in its entirety.
It will be interesting to see what they do now, storywise. I loved Mortal Kombat 9 from the story to the character designs, it helped that I hadn't played a MK game since number 4 came out, maybe I should track down MK10 and play it, is it any good?
8 hours ago, Satam said:Doesn't mean they wouldn't do it. DC Multiverse - MK Multiverse. Not saying you're wrong. You're probably right. Just saying this could be an alternate (get it? HAR HAR) explanation.
I mean its true, its all speculation.. We are all following blues clues.. or rather Boons clues in what we ve got so far. We ll find out for sure Jan 17.. gonna be so hype! They are doing a customization variations system for MK11which is going to be pretty slick. One of the things I loved about Injustice 2 was the armor customization and one of the best things with MKX was its variation system. Hopefully they allow for good balancing between stats/abilities/moves, which I know they will since the games have been tournament viable since MK9.
Doesn't mean they wouldn't do it. DC Multiverse - MK Multiverse. Not saying you're wrong. You're probably right. Just saying this could be an alternate (get it? HAR HAR) explanation.
14 hours ago, Satam said:Maybe it's a multiverse type deal, instead.
That would be kind of redundant since they just did that with Injustice 1 and 2.
1 hour ago, EvilHayato said:I am not for certain that its officially announced yet but there are alot of implications that this will indeed play a role in the story. The elder god at the end of the trailer is with an hourglass going up symbolizing some kind of change in time, the fact that Shao Kahn is back alive albeit a new iteration, 2 different Scorpions in the trailer, one of which is depicting his Ultimate MK3 costume mixed with mk2 mask, the stage they are in is the courtyard (which doesnt indicate time so much as post apocalyptic with all the monks and masked guards dead) from MK1. Alot of potential time altering events. Also Raiden has done this whole time skip thing before to retcon the happenings of MK1-3 in MK9 and now that hes Dark Raiden could do it again. Also in the trailer Raiden has acquired Shinnoks amulet/Sacred amulet, which in past games was used to reshape the realms which could also indicate the time travel/change of events. The amulet has also been used as a McGuffin in past games. This game also is supposed to be a retcon of the MKs on PS2 which featured the amulet priminantly with the kamidogu, and they may do similar to what they did in MK9 and retcon all that was established in those timelines with another time travel type story. But yes this is all speculation.However, its been noted around many venues that there is a time travel type thing going on in the story. Sorry if I stated that as fact, as Ive seen many places deciphering the same mindset.
Maybe it's a multiverse type deal, instead.
Im interested in seeing how the story is going to play out especially with the element of time being involved.
1 hour ago, Satam said:Do we know that there's time travel for sure? Has that been announced somewhere?
I am not for certain that its officially announced yet but there are alot of implications that this will indeed play a role in the story. The elder god at the end of the trailer is with an hourglass going up symbolizing some kind of change in time, the fact that Shao Kahn is back alive albeit a new iteration, 2 different Scorpions in the trailer, one of which is depicting his Ultimate MK3 costume mixed with mk2 mask, the stage they are in is the courtyard (which doesnt indicate time so much as post apocalyptic with all the monks and masked guards dead) from MK1. Alot of potential time altering events. Also Raiden has done this whole time skip thing before to retcon the happenings of MK1-3 in MK9 and now that hes Dark Raiden could do it again. Also in the trailer Raiden has acquired Shinnoks amulet/Sacred amulet, which in past games was used to reshape the realms which could also indicate the time travel/change of events. The amulet has also been used as a McGuffin in past games. This game also is supposed to be a retcon of the MKs on PS2 which featured the amulet priminantly with the kamidogu, and they may do similar to what they did in MK9 and retcon all that was established in those timelines with another time travel type story. But yes this is all speculation.However, its been noted around many venues that there is a time travel type thing going on in the story. Sorry if I stated that as fact, as Ive seen many places deciphering the same mindset.