Hah, this Lobo couldn't stand toe to toe with the WB Supergirl, much less Superman FASVB. And SATAM, maybe this is the young version of LOBO and by the time he meets Superman in the future he has got buff. I actually have enjoyed the show so far, but totally agree with you guys observances.
I actually like this show but yeah Lobo should be a bit more on the muscle
4 hours ago, Satam said:I don't think Skinny Irish Lobo's airbrushed muscle definition is working too well with his general lack of muscles and that paunch.Edit: Just noticed one of his contacts seems to be askew in that one shot, and I am on the floor laughing. Oh, man.
thats new Lobos lazy eye. its so he can see in 2 directions.
I don't think Skinny Irish Lobo's airbrushed muscle definition is working too well with his general lack of muscles and that paunch.Edit: Just noticed one of his contacts seems to be askew in that one shot, and I am on the floor laughing. Oh, man.
Seriously guys...How can I be convinced that this is the same Lobo that goes toe to toe sometimes with Superman?
Very Puny...