Titans - 2.06 'Conner' Preview Images & Synopsis

by Outsiders
October 08, 2019
Conner Kent escapes from Cadmus Labs and emerge into the world for the first time as a free agent. With Krypto in tow, Conner’s search for the truth about his past leads him to Lionel Luthor (guest star PETER MacNEILL), Lex Luthor’s father, and Cadmus geneticist Eve Watson (guest star GENEVIEVE ANGELSON). Eve informs Conner of his true heritage and sends him on a path of self-discovery, examining his own identity and inherent impulses. In a moment of question, Conner chooses to act heroically and finds himself face-to-face with the Titans.

Guest stars include Genevieve Angelson as Dr. Eve Watson, Natalie Gumede as Mercy Graves, Peter MacNeill as Lionel Luthor, Raoul Bhaneja as Walter Hawn, and Sarah Deakins as Martha Kent.

Alex Kalymnios directed the episode which was written by Richard Hatem.

Release: 10/11/2019


Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Goldbug - 2019-10-13 @ 9:51 am

that was a good episode

silverback77346 - 2019-10-09 @ 3:58 am

Now this should be interesting, been very impressed with the Titans so far. Must admit DC is pulling out all the stops with this move, hope it pays off too.

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