Crisis On Infinite Earths - Official Synopses For The First Three Episodes & New Promotional Poster
by Outsiders
November 22, 2019
The CW has released the official synopses for the first three episodes of the 'Crisis On Infinite Earths' crossover and a new promotional poster featuring LaMonica Garrett as The Monitor, Ruby Rose as Batwoman, Audrey Marie Anderson as Harbinger, Brandon Routh as Superman, Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor, David Harewood as Hank Henshaw/J’onn J’onzz, Stephen Amell as Green Arrow, Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl, Grant Gustin as The Flash, Cress Williams as Black Lightning, Caity Lotz as Sara Lance/White Canary, Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory/Heatwave, Carlos Valdes as Vibe, Candice Patton as Iris West – Allen, John Wesley Shipp as Flash 90, Matt Ryan as Constantine, Bitsie Tulloch as Lois Lane and Tyler Hoechlin as Superman.
Sunday, December 8th: Supergirl
THE KICKOFF TO THE EPIC TELEVISON CROSSOVER EVENT, CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS – The Monitor (guest star LaMonica Garrett) sends Harbinger (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) to gather the worlds’ greatest heroes – Supergirl (Melissa Benoist), The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin), Green Arrow (guest star Stephen Amell), Batwoman (guest star Ruby Rose), White Canary (guest star Caity Lotz), The Atom (guest star Brandon Routh) and Superman (guest star Tyler Hoechlin) – in preparation for the impending Crisis. With their worlds in imminent danger, the superheroes suit up for battle while J’onn (David Harewood) and Alex (Chyler Leigh) recruit Lena (Katie McGrath) to help them find a way to save the people of Earth-38.
Jesse Warn directed the episode with story by Robert Rovner & Marc Guggenheim and teleplay by Derek Simon & Jay Faerber (#509).
Original Airdate: 12/8/2019
Monday, December 9th: Batwoman
CAN THE REAL CLARK KENT PLEASE STAND UP? PART TWO OF CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS CONTINUES WITH SPECIAL GUEST STARS TOM WELLING, ERICA DURANCE AND KEVIN CONROY – The group uses Ray’s (guest star Brandon Routh) invention to track new recruits to help save the universe. The Monitor (guest star LaMonica Garrett) sends Iris (guest star Candice Patton), Clark (guest star Tyler Hoechlin) and Lois (guest star Elizabeth Tulloch) in search of a mysterious Kryptonian, while Kate (Ruby Rose) and Kara (guest star Melissa Benoist) head out to find Bruce Wayne (guest star Kevin Conroy). In addition, Mia (guest star Katherine McNamara) challenges Sara (guest star Caity Lotz), Rory (guest star Dominic Purcell) discovers a hidden talent, and Lex Luthor (guest star Jon Cryer) returns.
Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Don Whitehead and Holly Henderson (#108).
Original Airdate: 12/9/2019
Tuesday, December 10th: The Flash
BLACK LIGHTNING JOINS THE ARROWVERSE IN THE THIRD CHAPTER OF THE CROSSOVER – Pariah (Tom Cavanagh) enlists Black Lightning (guest star Cress Williams) to help stop the Anti-Monitor (guest star LaMonica Garrett) after Flash-90 (guest star John Wesley Shipp) shares what he learned from his battle in ‘Elseworlds.’ With the help of Black Lightning, Barry (Grant Gustin), Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) come up with a plan that could save them all. Meanwhile, Iris (Candice Patton) has a heart-to-heart with Ryan Choi (guest star Osric Chau), while Oliver (guest star Stephen Amell) and Diggle (guest star David Ramsey) return to an old familiar stomping ground.
David McWhirter directed the episode with story by Eric Wallace and teleplay by Lauren Certo & Sterling Gates (#609).
Original Airdate: 12/10/2019
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