I feel like this Superman show will lean more towards Lois and Clark than Legends. Probably gonna focus a lot on what its like to be Superman trying to raise two babies.
52 minutes ago, Belmont13 said:This could work, with WB seemingly not knowing what to do with Superman in the DCEU, might as well throw them in the TV department. I like Tyler Hoechlin in the role, physically he may not scream Superman but he hits the characters traits very well, imo. I haven't seen this new Lois Lane in action since I stopped watching the Arrowverse about a year and a half ago but hopefully she's good in the role. I used to watch Lois & Clark back in the day and to this day I still think Teri Hatcher was a fantastic Lois Lane, so if this is half as good as that then it should be good. In all of honesty this sounds more interesting than Stargirl and the Arrow spinoff.
Yeah, Teri was definitely in the top 3 Loises in my book. The only thing I couldn't take was when she would bust out that high-pitched whiney "Supermaaaaan" scream. Erica Durance will always be my favorite, that won't ever change. She hit that perfect balance of damsel-in-distress and balls to the wall tough ckick you need in a modern Lois. Noel Neill comes in a close second being the classic Lois, and you never forget your first (plus I have a soft-spot for red-heads). Hatcher brings up the rear.
This new Lois is really coming around for me, but I'll have to see her in action before I can make a final judgement.
This could work, with WB seemingly not knowing what to do with Superman in the DCEU, might as well throw them in the TV department. I like Tyler Hoechlin in the role, physically he may not scream Superman but he hits the characters traits very well, imo. I haven't seen this new Lois Lane in action since I stopped watching the Arrowverse about a year and a half ago but hopefully she's good in the role. I used to watch Lois & Clark back in the day and to this day I still think Teri Hatcher was a fantastic Lois Lane, so if this is half as good as that then it should be good. In all of honesty this sounds more interesting than Stargirl and the Arrow spinoff.
4 hours ago, elongatedman said:They better give Tyler some material to work with...because he is great
Despite what I said, I wouldn't get my hopes to high. Just going by their scenes in the Crisis crossover, I expect Supergirl will continue to get the meat of the serious plot-lines while Superman and Lois will probably lean closer to Legends, in tone, than any of us are comfortable with. The best we can probably hope for is they take their cues from Lois and Clark, giving us another action rom/com as opposed to a bad costume sitcom.
Just keep the faith.
After seeing the ending of Crisis I feel like this one may have gotten more interesting. I also wonder how long it will take to finally give us Batman.
I can't help it. Just the thought of a new Superman TV show (that actually features SUPERMAN) just fills me with renewed faith in superhero TV series'. The fact Batwoman came out and proved that Berlanti CAN still do a show that doesn'tsuck just makes it even sweeter.
Pretty stoked for this. Especially with Arrow ending
Personally this is not my favorite rendition of Superman, he's too small, and not a great presence in the costume. Lois looks okay, I liked her on the old show Grimm. I think making them parents in the series will add enough flavor to keep this going for a while, but only if the stories are decent. On the other hand, we haven't seen the first episode yet and I already like it more than Supergirl.