Love Robocop so I'm definitely gonna check this out. But I'm a casual gamer so I'll probably wait until a rerelease with DLC version of the game comes out at a lower price.
11 hours ago, Satam said:The Sonya thing pisses me off so much, because Tricia Helfer was great in MKX, but NetherRealm dumped her for a stupid gimmick.
I feel like it was more of a WB thing since they have a big connection with WWE. Pretty funny and annoying they used that to advertise the game like omg ronda rousey, someone thats never done any voice acting nor has acted well in anything is going to be a main central character! guys best mk evarrrrr! Clearly they have got bad judgements in voice acting with mk11 with her and dimitri and they are all some kind of publicity crap. I agree that Tricia did a great job as Sonya in the last game. NRS and WB have definitely changed the overall feel of MK since the last few games. Alot of people are not a fan of the sjw type stylings for the women and yet the men can still bear skin. Kind of interesting.
4 hours ago, EvilHayato said:Yeah the hood is the only thing missing for noob, which is why i would think theyd do one for him buuuut they are really random with their costume dlc options. Noob looks waaay more menacing in the garbs theyve gave him but i do love everything from mk9. It was just done so friggin well and was a great retelling of mk1-3 in one cohesive game. haha i never use that skin because of how awful it is. I dont know why they ever included that in the game and I dont know who would ever want to use it to hear his awful VA job. Its why I dont use Sonya ever in the game, its so cringey.
The Sonya thing pisses me off so much, because Tricia Helfer was great in MKX, but NetherRealm dumped her for a stupid gimmick.
1 hour ago, Satam said:I've only played the game at my brother's. I hadn't seen the MK9 mask for Scorpy, but I just saw it in video on youtube. Saw the MK9 mask for Noob, too, but not the hood.Also just watched some of the Dimitri Vegas Subzero intros, too. Is it possible he's worse than Ronda? Wow.
Yeah the hood is the only thing missing for noob, which is why i would think theyd do one for him buuuut they are really random with their costume dlc options. Noob looks waaay more menacing in the garbs theyve gave him but i do love everything from mk9. It was just done so friggin well and was a great retelling of mk1-3 in one cohesive game. haha i never use that skin because of how awful it is. I dont know why they ever included that in the game and I dont know who would ever want to use it to hear his awful VA job. Its why I dont use Sonya ever in the game, its so cringey.
5 hours ago, EvilHayato said:Few things, they had his mk9 costume in mkx as well as his amazing injustice one but im sure you mean including it in mk11 and not just the idea of bringing it back outside of mk9.They have noobs mask from mk9 already in mk11 and I feel like hes got a similar vibe in some of his costumes already in but its entirely plausible they ll do that since they have the mask.(or rather one would hope). Its entirely possible that Reptile is coming back as its rumored we are getting at least 2 more kombat pass/expansions and he is one of the top requested to make an appearance just behind Mileena. Boon tends to listen to the fans and usually top requested get answered. Scorpions MK9 mask is already in the game and has 2 variations that you have to unlock in different modes. Im guessing they didnt use the mask so that it doesnt confuse buyers into thinking its included when its locked but in game. If you think Ronda Rouseys voice acting is bad (which it is, just terrible).. you clearly havent heard the random inclusion of some dj dimitri vegas who has a sub zero skin with glowing highlights and voices over sub zeros lines.
I've only played the game at my brother's. I hadn't seen the MK9 mask for Scorpy, but I just saw it in video on youtube. Saw the MK9 mask for Noob, too, but not the hood.Also just watched some of the Dimitri Vegas Subzero intros, too. Is it possible he's worse than Ronda? Wow.
Sorry for the triple posting but didnt want to have one long post. My personal opinion is these look fantastic and im pretty stoked for them all. Love subs deception costume as its one of the few that were amazing during those dark times in mk. My only gripe is scorpions costume gives him pupils which is inaccurate and makes him look less intimidating, like a guy cosplaying scorpion or just casual hanzo. Frosts is a nice variation to her original costume as well since shes a cyborg in mk11, its going to be interesting to see her segment her body parts.
23 hours ago, SubZero said:There might be a skin to make him look like Shredder
There wont be. This is an homage costume from his costume in mortal kombat deception where he was titled shredder subzero by the fans. One of his all time most beloved costumes.
On 5/7/2020 at 12:47 AM, Satam said:I'vebeen waiting a long time for them to bring back Scorpion's MK9 costume. If they do the same with Noob Saibot, I might even forget about the continuing lack of Reptile as a playable character and Peter Weller's high voice. If they brought back Scorpions MK9 mask, too, and it's just not used in the picture for some reason, I might even forget about Ronda Rousey's crap voice acting. Maybe.
Few things, they had his mk9 costume in mkx as well as his amazing injustice one but im sure you mean including it in mk11 and not just the idea of bringing it back outside of mk9.They have noobs mask from mk9 already in mk11 and I feel like hes got a similar vibe in some of his costumes already in but its entirely plausible they ll do that since they have the mask.(or rather one would hope). Its entirely possible that Reptile is coming back as its rumored we are getting at least 2 more kombat pass/expansions and he is one of the top requested to make an appearance just behind Mileena. Boon tends to listen to the fans and usually top requested get answered. Scorpions MK9 mask is already in the game and has 2 variations that you have to unlock in different modes. Im guessing they didnt use the mask so that it doesnt confuse buyers into thinking its included when its locked but in game. If you think Ronda Rouseys voice acting is bad (which it is, just terrible).. you clearly havent heard the random inclusion of some dj dimitri vegas who has a sub zero skin with glowing highlights and voices over sub zeros lines.
1 hour ago, memocromatico said:At first I thought Sub-Zero was Shredder.
There might be a skin to make him look like Shredder