2 hours ago, DrLava said:there already is from when jazwares had the license. 2 actually. they made a 4" and 6" sub zero in that costume from that game.
I know, they sucked somewhat awful so I didn't get them.
3 hours ago, EvilHayato said:Honestly I do as well. I really dont like his default and thats like the first time I just dont like a sub zero costume. His MKX iteration took alot for me to get adjusted to and like and its still not my favorite, its not terrible.
I didn't start to warm up to the MKX outfit until I saw the one from 11. As soon as I saw that one I starting to think MKX's is not so bad. The one from Mortal Kombat 9 is still my favorite. I really hope we get a figure of that someday.
39 minutes ago, Belmont13 said:I like this one more than the main costume to be honest.
Honestly I do as well. I really dont like his default and thats like the first time I just dont like a sub zero costume. His MKX iteration took alot for me to get adjusted to and like and its still not my favorite, its not terrible.
1 hour ago, Mr_Scary92 said:How many DLCs, you end up paying more on all those extras than cost of the game itself, that's the modern gaming, baby.
Well this is part of the aftermath package. But this being a WB game, its going to have a bit. They have to have these dlcs to keep support of the game. This game particular, they are planning to support longer than their previous games. I dont like games with a crap ton of dlc out the gate, but if it keeps a games life going longer with new content, i ll support that. Btw expect at least 2 more character/season passes from this game.
10 hours ago, EvilHayato said:I really hated that sub zero costume, but its growing on me, and when using a differnt mask, specifically the more monsterous face one, (i forget the name of it) it looks awesome.
I like this one more than the main costume to be honest.
I really hated that sub zero costume, but its growing on me, and when using a differnt mask, specifically the more monsterous face one, (i forget the name of it) it looks awesome.
Johnny Cage as Teen Wolf is pretty funny.
I'd really like a DVorah figure.