15 hours ago, DrLava said:i didnt come into this thread to trash it. you did. as you said, you dont watch the show. so why are you commenting about it? youre commenting about something you have no knowledge of at all and have never seen just to create drama on the site. why enter the thread at all except to stroke your own ego?
or is it because youre destitute and you make lame comments in every thread no matter what, hoping and praying to win the $100 gift card offered here?
and when did i give my opinion at all boy? not once. i stated a fact in response to a question from another member and i called out your poor attempts at trolling. so what are you talking about?
theres no reason whatsover to enter this thread and make the comment you made other than to stir the pot. theres other members who share your opinion about this show but theyre not coming into threads for it and bashing it and saying it shouldnt be on tv. only you are.
Lol. I'm gonna just bow outta this argument cuz it's pointless and boring. Nothing in my original comments is worthy of locking this thread.The only one trying to lock it is you by being enraged by my honest thoughts. You obviously don't like my opinions and I frankly don't care, so if you're gonna be triggered by everything I say you might as well block me now. The sooner you realize that the entire world doesn't have to share your opinion the sooner you will stop being disappointed by the world, kid.
You have a fabulous day, Good Doctor.
52 minutes ago, DrLava said:if you dont like the show and dont watch the show why comment in a thread for the show? to stir things up due to your inherent jealousy of thosefar more successful than you? or is it that you feel that this site revolves around you and you feel we care at all about your dislikes so much thatwe need to read your poor copy/paste insults? or is it cause the last time there was a thread for this show it got locked cause of comments just like yours and youre just being a selfish troll that doesnt want people to be able to talk about this show on this site so youre attempting to get it locked?
Lol. Nor does it revolve around you. Your opinions aren't the only ones allowed here. I'm a comic and superhero fan thru and thru soIdid give the show a shot and watched a few episodes. That's why Idon't anymore. I wasn't insulting you or anyone in particular or given any reason to lock this thread. From the looks of it, there's only been very little activity at alland you're only here to complain about my complaining. You haven't contributed to the quality of the show one way or another.I think the show is bad, whether you like my opinions or not. Deal with it.
Lost me in Season 1. Is Javicia Leslie's portrayalany good compared to Ruby Rose's?
Yeaaaah.....I think it's best they stop digging for reasons to keep this train wreck on air.