I somehow managed to miss the 'reveal', but, I was kinda glad to finally see the 'take me to Kate' plot resolved, now, it begins again
I mean, it makes sense, someone so clever as Kate Kane woulda been smart enough to pack a Bat-Chute. I mean, it's not just anyone who can steal.....errr.....I mean discover someone else's ingenuity and make it "perfect" and use everything that other person created to run around playing superhero. It's not like that kinda magic lightning can strike twice. What....oh, it did....ohh. Uhhh....nevermind.
As far as the plot, typical 5th grad juvenilewriting. Er.....she uhh...crashed but she totally go out, and uhhh...she fell on her face, and then uhhh...she's totally unrecognizable now, but then uhhh...her hair will change color and she'll be more pleasing to look at than she was before. Total explanation, total fix, total score! Slap hands!!!!
If there was more bottom than rocks, this is it.
Must say, that's definitelytrading up on the shows part, but I can't see this as an upwardly mobile career move on Day's part.
Going from the lead on a cancelled Sy-Fy Channel Superman cash-grab to a second hand role as a former main character broomed off in favor of an even MORE woke replacement. Basically, a recurring character on her own show.
You can't make up a resume like that.