I'd be excited to see the Rock as Black Adam, but as others have pointed out, this movie has been in production hell for so long its likely to end up like Channing Tatum's Gambit
6 hours ago, mako said:No surprise there. For years Black Adam was one of those movies that would turn up every couple years, have some minor progress made, then disappear again. Same thing with SHAZAM. I still believe the only reason that one finally made it was Warner was desperate to build their DCEU at that point.
I'm still not convinced we'll ever see Black Adam. If George Miller's Justice League taught us anything, it's that NOTHING is for sure till it hits the theater.
Yeah DC really has no idea what they are really doing even after all this time. They have no direction and instead of setting up a good foundation to their cinematic universe, they just keep trying to play catch up with marvel. Its really stupid and its showing with all their rushed projects that have actually been made. They have no real cohesiveness. Their bale trilogy was good but it never set anything else up from there. All their movies for the most part have no real full connection to a greater expanded universe whereas marvels like lets do origin movies, and then blend them gradually and make some of our biggest storylines into movies with it! GENIUS!! DC just makes me sad and irritated. At least most of their animated films are decent-ish.
From what I'm hearing so far, I'm betting Black Adam goes the same way as most other modern DC movies. It might do well enough to be proclaimed a modest hit, but any sequels would be garbage, and the franchise will die fast.
I think DC doesn't have much to offer besides upcoming Flash and Batmanmovie, when Marvel is pumping 4 movies per year like factory, it does make sense for WB to actually finish what they started, and for Rock this seems important because thisisn't just another generic action movie franchise but rather character and world he can make his own if they are successful.
1 hour ago, EvilHayato said:I agree with deecee4, this movie has been talked about for years now and all we got was a concept drawing of rock as black adam.
No surprise there. For years Black Adam was one of those movies that would turn up every couple years, have some minor progress made, then disappear again. Same thing with SHAZAM. I still believe the only reason that one finally made it was Warner was desperate to build their DCEU at that point.
I'm still not convinced we'll ever see Black Adam. If George Miller's Justice League taught us anything, it's that NOTHING is for sure till it hits the theater.
I agree with deecee4, this movie has been talked about for years now and all we got was a concept drawing of rock as black adam. I dont have much hope for most DC movies to begin with and black adam isnt exactly one of my favorite characters from their roster. Im guessing since its so far from now (more than a year) that they havent even really started filming or if they did, they are very very early on in it.
I feel like its just been nothing but announcements with this project. Showsomething...anything...
Ahhh, Dwayne Johnson. He's like a tattooed, ripped William Shatner . . . except people went and saw Shatner's movies.
THE ROCK!!!!....
The Hierarchy of Power in the DC Universe is about to Change, declared Dwayne Johnson in the TBS spot.
We shell see...Big Guy...
"Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?!!!"
THE ROCK!!!! He be a cook'n!!!!
My man=^)