Okay now I'm four in. Seriously folks, give the series a shot!
Couple episodes in and while it's a complete reimagining....I kinda like it. I think kids will quite enjoy it.
It's very different from previous MOTU series but so far I am actually liking it. The designs aren't my favorite but the story is decent.
From what I saw......
This show (HMOTU) did not do it for me...
I will give the show a chance and check it out....
A "very" short check, mind you ;^)
Just might be; "not my type" of show..
I think this looks like a fun new take, and its obviously for a new/younger audience to connect with. I hope it does so it keeps the brand going.
Honestly... so far I don't hate it.
I don't love it,but I don't hate it.
Not the art style I would want. I prefer more classic looks but at least they are doing Disney Infinity type art (Disney Toybox figures) instead of Cal Arts style (Think Thundercats roar, Gumball, Steven Universe, Star vs.. etc.). Kevin Smith's abortion looked better but despite all the changes and "modernizations" this over stylized versionmight have a better chance of capturinga bit of the spirit of the original which Kevin Smith's missed the mark on.
I think Ram-Mame is F'ng hilarious! How long for this to catch on and every superhero will have a Mame version instead of a She- version. LOL.
Netflix has revealed two new promos for their upcoming He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe featuring He-Mans Transformation, Evil-Lyn & the Theme Song.
2 hours ago, mako said:No doubt, but it's not really a case of them doing this incredible show . . . except Ram-Man. They screwed the pooch from the get-go. Everyone got the treatment. It's all crap.
On the same token, knowing how we fan-boys love our icons, I could see Ram-Ma'am becoming the poster-boy/girl for this particular assault on the pop cultural zeitgeist just as Teela has for Revelations.
I suppose your right.
10 hours ago, LordVenger said:Lol. For a ram man fan I suppose it might matter.
No doubt, but it's not really a case of them doing this incredible show . . . except Ram-Man. They screwed the pooch from the get-go. Everyone got the treatment. It's all crap.
On the same token, knowing how we fan-boys love our icons, I could see Ram-Ma'am becoming the poster-boy/girl for this particular assault on the pop cultural zeitgeist just as Teela has for Revelations.
There are no words to describe how ridiculous this is. Well, I do have a few, but they aren't appropriate here. It looks like a Jak and Daxter video game.
This is simply He-Man and the Masters of the Universe in name only. They couldn't think of any way to sell this POS other than steal a beloved franchise's name and slap it on a show that has little to nothing to do with it.
I did give the Teela show a chance and had I never heard of He-Man or never watched (and enjoyed) the original it wouldn't have been half bad, not good by any means, but not half bad. This though is on another level. Thisis just porcelain streaking, drain circling, hallway clearing crap. Of course, you're gonna have the proponents saying "This is He-Man for the current age." Well then, create something originalfor the currentage. This is basically the same as Marvel's ANAD foray. We basically wanna keep all the characters that worked before, but race swap and gender swap and identity swap, because injustice and equality and all that stuff.Don't make something completely different, that nobody wants, and put it in a He-Man package. This thing is DOA.
Rip He-Man and the Masters. Like Adam in Revelations, you have been killed twice this year. You will never be the same.