The Shin Japan Heroes Universe is coming together with such iconic characters as Godzilla, Ultraman, and Kamen Rider, as well as the world of anime maestro Anno Hideaki’s Evangelion sci-fi franchise from the leading Japanese entertainment firms Toho, Toei, Studio Khara, and Tsuburaya Productions.
The core company behind the project is Tsuburaya, the effects production house of Toho (“Godzilla”) and Toei (“Ultraman,” “Kamen Rider”).
A starting point for the project was “Shin Godzilla” (translation: “New Godzilla”), the 2016 smash hit live-action film that Anno scripted and co-directed. It was followed by last year’s hit anime “Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time,” which was also directed by Anno for his Studio Khara anime house as the fourth and final film in the “Rebuild of Evangelion” film franchise. Released in March of last year by Toho and Toei, it became the highest-earning film of 2021 in Japan, with total box office of $92 million.
“Shin Ultraman,” a live-action film based on the iconic Ultraman sci-fi TV show will be released on May 13th, 2022. The show comes from Anno scripting and producing and his “Shin Godzilla” co-director Higuchi Shinji directing. Toho will distribute. In March of 2023, will be the release of “Shin Kamen Rider,” which Anno is scripting and directing. Toei is the distributor.