Actually it looks closer to the theme and atmosphere from the Hellboy comics, than the movies preceding it.
Im a little torn with this one, overall it doesnt look that great as others stated looks like a lower budget movie (a lot like what Blumhouse usually makes), on one side seeing how its the 2nd reboot theyve tried I think its a good idea to make it a more like a smaller scale self contained story, getting again really into the bigger fantasy side of Hellboy would only make this movie more expensive and well we all know how that went for the last one in the box office, so being a little more like a Horror/Suspense smaller side story is a good choice for a character that I dont think would do well in the box office (unless they get Del Toro to make his 3rd movie), on the other hand it looks a little cheap and unintresting.
It looks like the budget of this movie was the same as that Winnie the Pooh horror film " Blood and Honey".
Honest, if I didn't know this movie was coming I would have thought it was a fan film
HD version (like that helps)
movie looks like hot trash on a 105 degree day
I love the Hellboy comic franchise and really enjoyed the first 3 Hollywood movies that were made. However I have to say that the trailer for this one really makes it look like a Syfy channel version of Hellboy. It appears to be a major step backwards. I hate reboots and wish they would have just continued the story from the first 2 movies. This is already the 2nd reboot and the 3rd Hellboy actor in a very short period of time. That's way too many. Hellboy isn't Batman or Spider-Man and can't expect to perform well with that many reboots. I went and saw the prior 3 movies in the theater, but this one looks like it's going to have to wait until streaming.