Krypto arrives on screens in Superman this summer. Krypto was inspired by our dog Ozu, who we adopted shortly after I started writing Superman. Ozu, who came from a hoarding situation in a backyard with 60 other dogs & never knew human beings, was problematic to say the least. He immediately came in & destroyed our home, our shoes, our furniture - he even ate my laptop. It took a long time before he would even let us touch him. I remember thinking, “Gosh, how difficult would life be if Ozu had superpowers?” - and thus Krypto came into the script & changed the shape of the story as Ozu was changing my life. What better time to debut the not-so-good-good-boy Krypto than #AdoptAShelterDog month. Btw, Ozu today, is, fairly often, a very good boy. #Superman
Krypto arrives on screens in Superman this summer. Krypto was inspired by our dog Ozu, who we adopted shortly after I started writing Superman. Ozu, who came from a hoarding situation in a backyard with 60 other dogs & never knew human beings, was problematic to say the least. He…
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) October 15, 2024
Can't wait for this! It'll be dropping right before my birthday!
I liked the trailer fine but Fillion as guy... and that costume... that just didn't work for me. Hopefully it's not the final costume and the character evolves.
Man the trailer got me so hayped for the future of the dcu
Im loving Creature Commandos and this looks really good! Ive got high hopes for whats coming for superheroes!
Sadly, costume didn't look any better in the trailer, even though it does have trunks it somehow manages to look even less Superman-y than any costume that predated it, imo costume contradicts the main message of the movie James Gunn was trying to convey, which was "member classic Superman", modernization of Reeves suit could have done a lot for this movie, but instead with this armor-esque knight costume we are moving into "all new all different" almost grounded territory while movie wants to make us feel nostalgia for classic idea of Superman and more fantastical and comic booky DC universe.
Obviously, movie could be the best Superman or Superhero movie ever made, and probably will be the best Superman to date but visuals of the main hero still matters tremendously, especially when we talking about most iconic Superhero in existence.
I'm glad they're going with a less gritty, more retro, embracing the costume look. Own it. Wolverine was wearing all yellow, finally. I hope the upcoming MCU X-Men don't shy away from it. Gambit's look wasn't quite working for me. I'm fine with adjustments but embrace the costume.
It looked decent enough, hard really to tell how it will turn out in the end, trailer didn't wow me or anything, it felt like a Superman movie, Which we've all seen over and over, I do hope this is a good movie, James should deliver, but never know, it did seem a bit dull to me personally, and still felt like it was existing in the DC Movie universe we just left behind, also why does this Super Man sorta resemble young nathan fillion like majority of the time?
"With a tear in my eye!" I'll be there!
I've got high hopes and the trailer looks promising, but part of me knows that if this movie doesn't make at least $1 billion that Warner Brothers will end the James Gunn experiment. They've proven over and over again that they have no patience or ability to commit and stick to any type of long term plan.
I'm most excited to see what Nichalous Hoult does with the Lex Luthor role. I'm also jazzed to see Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl. Sean Gunn could be interesting as Maxwell Lord as well, but he'd have a hard time topping Pedro Pascal from Wonder Woman '84. Frank Grillo as Rick Flag Sr could be very good also as his voiceover work on Creature Commandos has been entertaining so far.
I honestly have no real desire to sit through yet another Clark/Lois story line as it's been done too many times before. I just finished the final season of Superman and Lois on the CW and I'm pretty much burnt out on Clark and Lois at this point. I guess that the "Superman" part of the Superman movie is likely the least interesting to me! LOL! It also might not have been the best decision of young Mr. Corenswet's career to attempt to follow Henry Cavill as the last son of Krypton.
This looked very promising and I'll leave it at that.