2018 NYCC Exclusive Street Fighter V - Chun-Li (Battle Costume) Figure From Storm Collectibles

by Jay Cochran
September 16, 2018
Storm Collectibles presents their 2018 New York Comic Con Exclusive - Street Fighter V Chun-Li Battle Costume, so called “Hot Chun-Li”, a brand new design of one of the most iconic character in Street Fighter franchise, and the first produced in action figure. Hot Chun-Li will be available exclusively at New York Comic Con, Javits Centre, October 4-7. Check out the official images for the figure down below.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
FASVB - 2018-10-18 @ 9:14 pm
42 minutes ago, Welcome2Deathlok said:

I saw some people's pegs are breaking easily on this figure

I thought that they had dealt with their QC issues for a while now.

Welcome2Deathlok - 2018-10-18 @ 8:31 pm
On 9/16/2018 at 12:18 PM, JayC said:

Storm Collectibles presents their 2018 New York Comic Con Exclusive - Street Fighter V Chun-Li Battle Costume, so called Hot Chun-Li, a brand new design of one of the most iconic character in Street Fighter franchise, and the first produced in action figure. Hot Chun-Li will be available exclusively at New York Comic Con, Javits Centre, October 4-7. Check out the official images for the figure down below.

I saw some people's pegs are breaking easily on this figure

EvilHayato - 2018-10-18 @ 3:42 am
22 minutes ago, NeedlessImmortals said:

Yeah honestly I haven't been big into fighting games these last few years, becoming older sucks lol I mainly just play the story modes or arcade on every fighter then stop whereas in the past I'd try to complete everything in the game. I just realized I never actually played the story mode in MKX, I really need to get around to that especially now since I'm in a MK mood with all this Storm stuff coming out. I'm sure DOA will be fine, they would lose all their fans if they didn't put it in, I'm betting they are just trying to get over all the backlash from DOAX3 which I actually own and beat and its incredibly stupid but awesome and the VR is ridiculous lol

Well for me, fighting games have endless replay value. Story modes are just there for the initial single player thing at the beginning but then its all about versus and straight matches. Its like Call of Duty with its campaign and deathmatch modes... you beat the campaign and then go in to deathmatch. They are also fun if you have a friend or two to play especially if you dont like playing people online as that experience can vary drastically and just like all games that go online, theres always someone that has more time than you and puts all their effort in to the games. Ive always been a fighting game player so I dont think that will ever change. Im 37 and I still love them but I also dont have alot of things going on with my life at the moment. No wife, kids, house, etc to worry about. I really dont care about achievements or anything so fully completing a fighter was never my thing unless it was fun and worth it. The story in MKX is pretty great, if you have the game definitely try to find time to get aroudn to it. DOA6 is still very early. They are only showing bits and pieces. The whole toned down the boobage and booties thing was just speculation since none of what was shown was glorifying it but this is from the company that has THREE beach volleyball offshoots and 100s of dollars worth of dlc from their last game sheerly in scantily clad costumes alone. Thats how they made their money and that wont change in this.

NeedlessImmortals - 2018-10-18 @ 3:14 am
On 10/14/2018 at 8:26 PM, EvilHayato said:

Im no pro myself. Im kind of an in between casual and hardcore player. I learn the games but I dont dedicate my life to them and Im very big on their lore and character designs. Fighting games have always been my go to favorite genre in video games. Nowadays tho the FG scene is all about competition and going balls out.. which isnt my bag. I am kind of like you, I do it for fun and to unwind but I do like to be competitive alittle from time to time. I also enjoy the single player content like the story modes even tho afterwards they just feel hollow. I have to say I think MK9 did the best of the story modes. Injustice ones arent terrible but not worth a second playthrough. MKX wasnt bad either really. Oh and DOA will have tiddie focus. They are just playing that like they are trying to be all mature and take a different route, they arent. DOA6 looks more of the same and they still have the physics in there. I think what it is is since this is a new game, its not starting out overtly sexualized .... YET. These are their default costumes not their sexy nurses and sexy maids and #$## like that. I mean DOA5s main slogan was "Im a FIGHTER"... like its serious but we all saw where that game went. That game seriesis stupid. haha.

Yeah honestly I haven't been big into fighting games these last few years, becoming older sucks lol I mainly just play the story modes or arcade on every fighter then stop whereas in the past I'd try to complete everything in the game. I just realized I never actually played the story mode in MKX, I really need to get around to that especially now since I'm in a MK mood with all this Storm stuff coming out. I'm sure DOA will be fine, they would lose all their fans if they didn't put it in, I'm betting they are just trying to get over all the backlash from DOAX3 which I actually own and beat and its incredibly stupid but awesome and the VR is ridiculous lol

EvilHayato - 2018-10-15 @ 3:26 am
1 hour ago, NeedlessImmortals said:

Lol well I am in no way a combo master, I'm actually a very casual gamer, I've been known to button mash from time to time?Not to say that I don't use combo moves but I generally just play for fun so I mainly just do combos and super combos that look cool so MK and Injustice are always fun to play. I also have always liked the story modes and cinematic endings which SF sometimes lacks. I can take or leave the jiggle physics in DOA lol I just liked all the ninjas that was the thing that drew me into the game. Of course now that TN is going a different direction and trying to cover up and reduce the breast size and everything on the girls that does annoyme because they basically took out the staple of the game and completely change what a lot of fans come to expect from the franchise. Hopefully they still include the normal outfits so everyone can have what they want.

Im no pro myself. Im kind of an in between casual and hardcore player. I learn the games but I dont dedicate my life to them and Im very big on their lore and character designs. Fighting games have always been my go to favorite genre in video games. Nowadays tho the FG scene is all about competition and going balls out.. which isnt my bag. I am kind of like you, I do it for fun and to unwind but I do like to be competitive alittle from time to time. I also enjoy the single player content like the story modes even tho afterwards they just feel hollow. I have to say I think MK9 did the best of the story modes. Injustice ones arent terrible but not worth a second playthrough. MKX wasnt bad either really. Oh and DOA will have tiddie focus. They are just playing that like they are trying to be all mature and take a different route, they arent. DOA6 looks more of the same and they still have the physics in there. I think what it is is since this is a new game, its not starting out overtly sexualized .... YET. These are their default costumes not their sexy nurses and sexy maids and #$## like that. I mean DOA5s main slogan was "Im a FIGHTER"... like its serious but we all saw where that game went. That game seriesis stupid. haha.

NeedlessImmortals - 2018-10-15 @ 1:28 am
On 10/11/2018 at 7:34 PM, EvilHayato said:

Honestly Street Fighter was never about large combos. Most combos in the games can only really get up to the teens and if you are good can get higher but its nto a common thing. The Capcom VS games however were more arcadey which had very high combo numbers. Tekken has never really been high number combos either. The games have always had their staple 10 hit combos and if you were good could get alittle more but not really any higher. Tekken has been pretty much the same since the beginning with a few new additions in each update. New to T7 is a comeback mechanic which is essentially a glorified super move anda really good combo starter for those that know what they are doing. Ironically Tekken and DOA and VF games are very very very similar. One of the only differences is the level of counter concentration. VF is ALLL counters, DOA is partially counters and Tekken has them but its not a focus. I know why you like DOA its the fluidity of'that' animation. I love alot about MK but the games gameplay hasnt always been the most fun. Everything else in them have always been top of the line. id say MK9 and MKX really improved on MKs gameplay immensely. MK1-Trilogy were great but awful single player CPU. The PS2 games had neat features but were awful overall.

Lol well I am in no way a combo master, I'm actually a very casual gamer, I've been known to button mash from time to time?Not to say that I don't use combo moves but I generally just play for fun so I mainly just do combos and super combos that look cool so MK and Injustice are always fun to play. I also have always liked the story modes and cinematic endings which SF sometimes lacks. I can take or leave the jiggle physics in DOA lol I just liked all the ninjas that was the thing that drew me into the game. Of course now that TN is going a different direction and trying to cover up and reduce the breast size and everything on the girls that does annoyme because they basically took out the staple of the game and completely change what a lot of fans come to expect from the franchise. Hopefully they still include the normal outfits so everyone can have what they want.

EvilHayato - 2018-10-12 @ 2:34 am
3 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:

Ah ok, yeah for whatever reason Street Fighter has always felt kind of clunky to me and more about getting the big combos off. The newer Tekken games are kind of the same way except I don't really feel like they have big combos at all usually. I guess thats why I like DOA because the moves are so fluid, but the story is garbage lol And MK is the perfect blend of everything, it has fun combos that look awesome, fluid movements, cool characters, good story, and you cant beat fatalities.

Honestly Street Fighter was never about large combos. Most combos in the games can only really get up to the teens and if you are good can get higher but its nto a common thing. The Capcom VS games however were more arcadey which had very high combo numbers. Tekken has never really been high number combos either. The games have always had their staple 10 hit combos and if you were good could get alittle more but not really any higher. Tekken has been pretty much the same since the beginning with a few new additions in each update. New to T7 is a comeback mechanic which is essentially a glorified super move anda really good combo starter for those that know what they are doing. Ironically Tekken and DOA and VF games are very very very similar. One of the only differences is the level of counter concentration. VF is ALLL counters, DOA is partially counters and Tekken has them but its not a focus. I know why you like DOA its the fluidity of'that' animation. I love alot about MK but the games gameplay hasnt always been the most fun. Everything else in them have always been top of the line. id say MK9 and MKX really improved on MKs gameplay immensely. MK1-Trilogy were great but awful single player CPU. The PS2 games had neat features but were awful overall.

NeedlessImmortals - 2018-10-11 @ 11:23 pm
On 10/10/2018 at 8:03 AM, EvilHayato said:

Well what I mean by variant of Dan is he wasnt released in a wave, but was part of a "preview" for the finalwave which used his body mold for Akuma, Ryu, and Ken. They never did a figure outside of a wave so he felt more like a variant. They did the same for Gouken except They like remade and bulked up the main shotos. It was done really weirdly. Shin Akuma is essentially a powered up Akuma, which is technically and obviously not a new character. He was a hidden boss character. I follow alot of fighting games lores.. except dead or alive and virtua fighter.. not my favorite of fighters. They are therare ones that I just dont care much about.

Ah ok, yeah for whatever reason Street Fighter has always felt kind of clunky to me and more about getting the big combos off. The newer Tekken games are kind of the same way except I don't really feel like they have big combos at all usually. I guess thats why I like DOA because the moves are so fluid, but the story is garbage lol And MK is the perfect blend of everything, it has fun combos that look awesome, fluid movements, cool characters, good story, and you cant beat fatalities.

EvilHayato - 2018-10-10 @ 3:03 pm
10 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:

And here I always thought of Dan as his own character instead of a variant.I'll be honest I don't know much aboutShin Akuma, I never really followed the whole lore of the series even remotely as close as I have other fighters like Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Dead or Alive, and Soul Calibur.

Well what I mean by variant of Dan is he wasnt released in a wave, but was part of a "preview" for the finalwave which used his body mold for Akuma, Ryu, and Ken. They never did a figure outside of a wave so he felt more like a variant. They did the same for Gouken except They like remade and bulked up the main shotos. It was done really weirdly. Shin Akuma is essentially a powered up Akuma, which is technically and obviously not a new character. He was a hidden boss character. I follow alot of fighting games lores.. except dead or alive and virtua fighter.. not my favorite of fighters. They are therare ones that I just dont care much about.

NeedlessImmortals - 2018-10-10 @ 4:51 am
3 hours ago, EvilHayato said:

Thats pretty much all but the colorvariants which whoin the world would buy all the color variants as well when they are so expensive? Shin Akuma is essentially a different character altogether. The only reason I didnt jump on it is the coloring is inaccurate and too damn dark on his gi. Youre basically handling it how i did with SOTAs street fighter line, buy the defaults and the unique variants... sotas weremecha zangief, glow in the dark blanka, evil ryu, psycho bison, dark sakura, cannon spike cammy, shin akuma, and dan. They did some other variants like american flag colored guile and like a transluscent Birdie or something but that didnt make sense. They even did a manga colored Gouken and a dead ghost version of him.. haha.

And here I always thought of Dan as his own character instead of a variant.I'll be honest I don't know much aboutShin Akuma, I never really followed the whole lore of the series even remotely as close as I have other fighters like Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Dead or Alive, and Soul Calibur.

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