Mortal Kombat 1/12 Smoke, Ermac & Rain Bloody Versions From Storm Collectibles

by Jay Cochran
September 17, 2018
Storm Collectibles will be releasing bloody variant versions for their 1/12 Mortal Kombat Smoke, Ermac & Rain figures which will be sold as exclusives. All three are currently up for pre-order now.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
EvilHayato - 2018-10-18 @ 5:08 pm
13 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:

I've gotten to the point where I just look online for home remedies and cheaper solutions before I buy anything lol

Sometimes thats the only choices we have with how much money it costs to maybe get some results. Altho I dont like taking huge risks if my cats are in trouble tho.

13 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:

Me too. I wonder about Noob, he has transparent skin so the plastic is different on his face and arms but looking at it I think it should be fine, I'm 90% sure there is no shading on the arms and its all just the color of the plastic.

Yeah I forgot about the transparency.. We ll see whenever I get it, if Im down to take that risk but more importantly we ll see how successful yours comes out before I even attempt.

13 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:

Well, like I mentioned in my last post, BBTS did put up the NYCC Chun Li finally and I noticed other retailers put her up as well, I'm actually wondering if they were just fixing her neck joint problem which everyone who has her seems to be experiencing. BBTS is definitely becoming my go to place to buy most things lately, now if they can just figure out a faster shipping or do the whole offer free 2 day shipping on orders over $150 then they would be perfect cause atm I generall have to wait about a 1 1/2 - 2 weeks for my order to arrive which is kinda lame.

Theres a neck problem? Wasnt it using a semi same mold as the regular costume chun li? BBTS seems to carry just about anything and everything. Entertainment Earth carries a good amount too but their UI for their website isnt the greatest. Their shipping costs at BBTS isnt amazing either and takes like 2 weeks to get to you. I would love to have free 2 day of orders over a certain amount. Both EE and BBTS seem to take forever to ship which is annoying even if you pre ordered the stuff.

13 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:

I actually just finally started sorting through about 5 years worth of accessories that I just had in random bags, it was a nightmare lol The worst thing is the import figures like SHF because so many of their hands and faces look alike so I'll never be able to figure out what goes with which figure. Man reading that last part irked me so bad... lol

I hate losing accessories but I pride myself on keeping my stuff complete, especially when I sell them and it sucks when you forget what it came with or where you put them. My collection has been in disarray for a bit and is slowly getting more controlled as I sell off alot of it, other stuff starts being unearthed. Thankfully both my SOTA and legends accessories are all in separate bags and are all accounted for. I just sold my DCUC Deathstroke and before posting it I remembered he came with a bo staff. I looked online just to see what all he came with and what it looked like and deep dived into my figure container and bam found it before posting it.

13 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:

Yeah its especially hard when your in your 30s and still retail this childlike mindset? I guess lol For instance, I've had women flirt with me who probably were around the same age as me but because theyve been so beaten down by the world they looked way older and to me it seemed like they could be my mom or something lol I actually tried dating this woman earlier this year who ended up having a son who was 14 and in the end she started treating me like a kid cause I was relating more to her kid than to her?so that ended fast. But that kind of thing can also get me into trouble, I pretty much avoid any girl who looks "hot" nowadays cause I just assume they are probably too young so the whole thing is annoying now. And yes, I have done the online dating thing and I would not recommend that unless you are chiseled, greatlooking, and have a fantastic job. Girls online are either huge flirts who will never give a crap about you because they think they can have anyone;ugly and desperate, has some sort of emotional or physiological problem, or fake. The chances of actually getting a sane girl who is even remotely attractive and willing to prove she is who she says she is and will meet you is incredibly low. That being said, thats also how I met my ex who is a nightmare?btw, she showed up the other day and ended up taking it all back again, this girl man.. lol

Yeah I have a buddy the same age as me, we met first day of college and have been best buddies ever since. Hes dating his sisters friend and shes like 40.. something. And im like HOLY CRAP youre dating a 40 year old and then I realized, holy sh!t Im almost 40.. and shes got a kid in high school.. it just blows my mind. Oh man that sounds like me with the kid thing haha. I relate to my young 15yr old cousin than I do his dad. We even play games together from time to time. Ive done online dating and have had poor results. Altho I did it way back when, but I was catfished and it was the most awkward thing ever. So much that it scared me off for pretty much good. Ha your ex is all about the mind games.. nope, negative, no thanks, dont want none even if you have buns hun.

13 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:

You and I both know that there will be bloody versions and they will make the others harder to obtain, only the clean versions of Goro and Shao Khan have been easy to find. I'm more worried that the Cybers will be painted so it'll be much harder to remove... ugh.

I think Goro and Kahn are easier because they are larger and more expensive... essentially double the price of the ninjas. Look at the SF line, most of those figures are at crazy high retailprices and are still easy to obtain pretty much all of them but Ken for some reason. The MK line just seems like its more rare since less of those characters have ever had any other figures. I will find a way to get the Cybers non oiled even if it means I have to spend the extra dough (which is stupid Id even have to do that.) They just wont look right if they are bloodied/oiled. They bled black/blue oil. Having that crap on them will just make them look dumb and if they do red, that would just not make sense and be totally inaccurate which would also make it less reason for me to want it. The Cybers are my most sought after of the MK universe which says alot.

NeedlessImmortals - 2018-10-18 @ 4:05 am
On 10/14/2018 at 8:59 PM, EvilHayato said:

Well its just like how it is with human doctors. They want that scratch no matter what. Warmth is also a big thing when they like to nestle but the familiar smell helps.

I've gotten to the point where I just look online for home remedies and cheaper solutions before I buy anything lol

On 10/14/2018 at 8:59 PM, EvilHayato said:

Haha NAH DAH. I hope it does work tho, cuz I do plan to buy that bloody noob and I dont want to have all my guys BUT one be bloody. I hope for $70 success.

Me too. I wonder about Noob, he has transparent skin so the plastic is different on his face and arms but looking at it I think it should be fine, I'm 90% sure there is no shading on the arms and its all just the color of the plastic.

On 10/14/2018 at 8:59 PM, EvilHayato said:

For me Im ok with bc I dont want it but Im hoping its not a show of what to expect of things to come with future releases of theirs. They said the bloody Rain and Smoke are BBTS exclusive in general as well as the bloody Goro. BBTS is trying to take over the etailer distribution of Storm stuff. Their MK line also seems to be where the most people seem drawn to since those characters havent had much of an action figure representation in a long time. Entertainment Earth has a few of the MK figs but since Goros release date announcement and then their announcement of the bloody version being exclusive it seems BBTS may have cracked a deal with storm. So its pushing storm to push the bloody versions to retail more. Both doomsdays are nice.

Well, like I mentioned in my last post, BBTS did put up the NYCC Chun Li finally and I noticed other retailers put her up as well, I'm actually wondering if they were just fixing her neck joint problem which everyone who has her seems to be experiencing. BBTS is definitely becoming my go to place to buy most things lately, now if they can just figure out a faster shipping or do the whole offer free 2 day shipping on orders over $150 then they would be perfect cause atm I generall have to wait about a 1 1/2 - 2 weeks for my order to arrive which is kinda lame.

On 10/14/2018 at 8:59 PM, EvilHayato said:

I ll sell whatever I find that Im willing to part with. I typically keep my accessories well controlled but some of my legends stuff are scattered with the figs and sometimes I forget about the accessory and sell it and later find them and be like CRAP! I gipped them! I had a jazzwares Reptile based on the Shaolin Monks design that I sold and later found his extra head I forgot about. It was kind of like, well what the hell am I going to do with this now?

I actually just finally started sorting through about 5 years worth of accessories that I just had in random bags, it was a nightmare lol The worst thing is the import figures like SHF because so many of their hands and faces look alike so I'll never be able to figure out what goes with which figure. Man reading that last part irked me so bad... lol

On 10/14/2018 at 8:59 PM, EvilHayato said:

I feel like you only experience the bad parts if you are with someone thats not right for you. Because there is always a honeymoon stage and all that happiness and fun. I see, just sit back and watch the world burn haha. Your definition suits it better. Typically it just means giving up and taking whatever you can get and not trying to look for the best outcome. Yeah dating when you are in your 30s is rough. Bars are awful to meet people, tinder is just there for booty calls and theres online dating which can lead to catfishes.. Its not like when I was younger and you had mutual friends and or hang out areas and things to do that girls did too. Im not a big hook up person as well, rather have good conversation than good booty.. or is it good conversation THEN good booty.. both are good.

Yeah its especially hard when your in your 30s and still retail this childlike mindset? I guess lol For instance, I've had women flirt with me who probably were around the same age as me but because theyve been so beaten down by the world they looked way older and to me it seemed like they could be my mom or something lol I actually tried dating this woman earlier this year who ended up having a son who was 14 and in the end she started treating me like a kid cause I was relating more to her kid than to her?so that ended fast. But that kind of thing can also get me into trouble, I pretty much avoid any girl who looks "hot" nowadays cause I just assume they are probably too young so the whole thing is annoying now. And yes, I have done the online dating thing and I would not recommend that unless you are chiseled, greatlooking, and have a fantastic job. Girls online are either huge flirts who will never give a crap about you because they think they can have anyone;ugly and desperate, has some sort of emotional or physiological problem, or fake. The chances of actually getting a sane girl who is even remotely attractive and willing to prove she is who she says she is and will meet you is incredibly low. That being said, thats also how I met my ex who is a nightmare?btw, she showed up the other day and ended up taking it all back again, this girl man.. lol

On 10/14/2018 at 8:59 PM, EvilHayato said:

You shut your mouth! My cyber boys will be widely distributed and untainted by blood i mean oil splotches! The price was definitely not something that drew me in haha.. it waas more like oh my then i look at the price OH MY... GOD THATS HIGH! And I hesitated at first until i saw sub and I said eff it git em! And here I am, a few hundred dollars lighter and a few more figures heavier.

You and I both know that there will be bloody versions and they will make the others harder to obtain, only the clean versions of Goro and Shao Khan have been easy to find. I'm more worried that the Cybers will be painted so it'll be much harder to remove... ugh.

EvilHayato - 2018-10-18 @ 3:52 am
2 hours ago, NeedlessImmortals said:

Oh man those look badass, I'm still waiting on mine to arrive, probably wont til next week. So did Smoke end up having the painted silver? Also, I haven't read my other replies yet but man on man and I glad that NYCC Chun Li was put up and $74 is way better than the prices I was seeing on Ebay. Anyways, I've been swamped these past few days but I'll try to respond to everything thats been piling up today?

They look so great together. I wish I had Scorp and Noob tho. Very sure Smoke is painted but as I look at the others, they seem like they are painted too as they arent perfect along the lines of the black parts. Ha I never even noticed, but thats good news that you its not fully exclusive even if you are paying a premium for something that was less and not in high ebay pricing like some of the others. Its cool man, these are message boards, post when you want, Im not your girlfriend texting you haha. I look forward to seeing your mk figs when the come in!

NeedlessImmortals - 2018-10-18 @ 1:44 am
On 10/16/2018 at 3:19 PM, EvilHayato said:

My dude came through,I finally got em! These are awesome! I think the one I wanted the most was Smoke but Ermac has definitely hit that special spot altho his green orbs dont clasp together super tightly and tend to fall apart. Overall tho Im really glad I was able to get them.

Healso included the Storm 2018-2019 catalog which has some neat stuff in it. It even shows some stuff I didnt realize were coming.. One of which is after Kazuya they are doing Jin and Devil Jin for Tekken 7. I also didnt realize they have the license for Gears 5 which could be very interesting. The catalog also officially states they are doing World Heroes as well. I m pretty sure this showed up at the same time as Samurai Showdown but Sam Sho got the announcement and World Heroes had no mention.

Oh man those look badass, I'm still waiting on mine to arrive, probably wont til next week. So did Smoke end up having the painted silver? Also, I haven't read my other replies yet but man on man and I glad that NYCC Chun Li was put up and $74 is way better than the prices I was seeing on Ebay. Anyways, I've been swamped these past few days but I'll try to respond to everything thats been piling up today?

EvilHayato - 2018-10-17 @ 4:44 pm
31 minutes ago, Belmont13 said:

Not so much ask something but to request you post photos of your figures. lol

ahhh I see. Well thats pretty much all I havefor Storm stuff hehe. Need more money!

Belmont13 - 2018-10-17 @ 4:11 pm
33 minutes ago, EvilHayato said:

What did you want to ask? Me and NeedlessImmortals have been the only ones ive seen on the board post and have alot of the storm stuff. They are pretty rad figs. Ive had to sell off some figs to buy them but well worth it.

Not so much ask something but to request you post photos of your figures. lol

EvilHayato - 2018-10-17 @ 3:38 pm
2 hours ago, Belmont13 said:

I have been meaning to ask that you post pics of your collection, you seem to be all in with this line and I wanted to live vicariously. lol Nice set up

What did you want to ask? Me and NeedlessImmortals have been the only ones ive seen on the board post and have alot of the storm stuff. They are pretty rad figs. Ive had to sell off some figs to buy them but well worth it.

Belmont13 - 2018-10-17 @ 1:12 pm
14 hours ago, EvilHayato said:

My dude came through,I finally got em! These are awesome! I think the one I wanted the most was Smoke but Ermac has definitely hit that special spot altho his green orbs dont clasp together super tightly and tend to fall apart. Overall tho Im really glad I was able to get them.

Healso included the Storm 2018-2019 catalog which has some neat stuff in it. It even shows some stuff I didnt realize were coming.. One of which is after Kazuya they are doing Jin and Devil Jin for Tekken 7. I also didnt realize they have the license for Gears 5 which could be very interesting. The catalog also officially states they are doing World Heroes as well. I m pretty sure this showed up at the same time as Samurai Showdown but Sam Sho got the announcement and World Heroes had no mention.

I have been meaning to ask that you post pics of your collection, you seem to be all in with this line and I wanted to live vicariously. lol Nice set up

EvilHayato - 2018-10-16 @ 10:19 pm

My dude came through,I finally got em! These are awesome! I think the one I wanted the most was Smoke but Ermac has definitely hit that special spot altho his green orbs dont clasp together super tightly and tend to fall apart. Overall tho Im really glad I was able to get them.

Healso included the Storm 2018-2019 catalog which has some neat stuff in it. It even shows some stuff I didnt realize were coming.. One of which is after Kazuya they are doing Jin and Devil Jin for Tekken 7. I also didnt realize they have the license for Gears 5 which could be very interesting. The catalog also officially states they are doing World Heroes as well. I m pretty sure this showed up at the same time as Samurai Showdown but Sam Sho got the announcement and World Heroes had no mention.

Thecollectorsalliance - 2018-10-15 @ 11:34 pm

This is such an awesome line. Dont sleep on it cause they sell out and go up in value. Just look at scorpion and sub zero

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