All these villain characters do is make me wonder what theirSuperman would be like. I'm watching every new McFarlane release in order to see how they'll handle the DC line, but recently I've seen some McFarlane figures on shelves that are straight up embarrassing, and that's a scary thing.Maybe their Fortnite figures were just a fluke instead of a step in the right direction. I'm really nervous now, but I started out very optimistic. I guess a line of good $20-$25 DC figures is too much to ask for. Gotta just stick with import and higher end options, sadly. I'd really like a good Marvel Legends-like line of DC figures that are made with some real quality, it just isn't going to happen for a while I guess.
Really nice figure. Doubtful he'll ever be on my shelf considering the price tag of $100.
Collecting $100 a pop figures is like being able to fly first class, it's a different life than I'm living.
Looks sick, just due to the price point I'm gonna stick with my Multiverse Lobo for now...
This fig looks and is pretty damn awesome. I m pretty stoked more for doomsday tho. $100 bucks for this bad boy is a bit steep and seems that Storm is juuuuuust upping the price tag on all their figs. Will be interesting to see these figs move more the higher they keep going in pricepoints, oi.
Finally, ive been waiting for this figure to be released since they first announced it like 2 years ago
Legit perfect figure.