If they make a Death Adder, Im all over it. This looks awesome but cant fathom the cost for it nor can afford it XD. So friggin cool tho and the potential for this line is amazing!
12 hours ago, FASVB said:Looks awesome! I must admit I am very tempted to get all three from the game. They should do Streets of Rage too.
Streets of Rage figures would be really awesome. That was a great game!
Looks awesome! I must admit I am very tempted to get all three from the game. They should do Streets of Rage too.
Man this brings back so many memories of the arcade area in Pizza Hut. Really fun figure but I think Im with everyone else I would like to see more characters announced before I go after this one.
Amazing! absolutely need this, I need the entire team, really want a Tyris and Chronos and Death Adder, I have been hoping to see Golden Axe figures for so long I'm amazed it's finally happening, maybe next we can get some Altered Beast figures
If they show the axe wielding dwarf next I'll sign up for this one. Gotta make sure they do at least the actual axe wielder before I'm 100% sold on the line. Having all three characters and a display stand of the skeleton hand like at the character select screen would look awesome for the game room