I see the reason and enjoyment of bloody variations but they are def not for me. I want my stuff vanilla.
I clicked on the topic just to see which MK character was getting the bloody variant treatment.
I picked up the clean Motaro so I figured what the hell and get the bloody variation. Just gotta love the extra $20 bucks they hit you with for shipping and taxes...
I must say, Storm loves doing bloody variants for their Mortal Kombat figs.
I prefer my figs in less variant looks but there are cool things to these. I wont be buying any but the skeleton variations are sweet and very clever. The red Haohmaru is the best of the variants theyve made so far for him but I have the original on preorder. If they made a Rasetsumaru, then we ll talk. I m not a big fan of the bloody variants for the MK fig but the green/acid skeleton is neat but doesnt make sense to me. Motaro doesnt do any kind of acid anything so its weird to see that. Id like to have the skeleton for a reptile fatality or other characters that come out but thats about it. Green Honda is zzzzzzzz but happy for anyone thats stoked for it.