This seems like a really nice figure. Head sculpts are clean and the robes look good.
I get really strong Jeff Hardy vibes from this
Shown below is the new The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Goenitz Figure from Storm Collectibles. You can purchase this figure from our sponsor with suggested retail price of $94.99.One of the "Orochi Four Kingdoms" with outstanding powers even in the Garnitz Orochi clan. The principle of action is all in accordance with the will of the Orochi. He acts like a pastor, looks like a gentle person with his humble words and actions, but has the rudeness to comfort people in order to fulfill his purpose.
GOENITZ As one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Orochi, the almighty Goenitz devotes his entire being to serving his dark lord. His dignified wardrobe (that of a pastor) and polite mannerisms give off a gentle air, but mask another side of himthat of a ruthless monster quite happy to inflict pain and suffering on those who dare stand in his way.Features:3 x Interchangeable Head Sculpts6 x Interchangeable Pair of Hands1 x Interchangeable The Lower-Cape1 x The Book1 x The Yonokaze Effect
Is it me .. or he just looks like Heniry Caviel