3 hours ago, Nosferatuman62172 said:Great shot. I love it.
Thank you!
Great shot. I love it.
5 hours ago, Outsiders said:It looks cool but I'm gonna play dumb and ask what is it? I've never seen anything like it before...
He is cursed... gifted...victim and hero. He is - ATTICUS DOOM!
It looks cool but I'm gonna play dumb and ask what is it? I've never seen anything like it before...
15 hours ago, LordVenger said:Nice scene. Good action.
Thank you!
Nice scene. Good action.
8 hours ago, ghostbogey said:Zilla Kaiju Come in handy, I see.....
Nice Pic ;^)
She's not just for space anymore...
Thank man!
Zilla Kaiju Came in handy, I see.....
Nice Pic ;^)