11 hours ago, Outsiders said:This reminded me of the ending to Jason and the Argonauts, when they are fighting all the skeletons.
One of my all time favorite movies! Watched it all the time as a kid!
Definitely getting a harry hausen vibe!
1 minute ago, Outsiders said:This reminded me of the ending to Jason and the Argonauts, when they are fighting all the skeletons.
Exactly the inspiration!
This reminded me of the ending to Jason and the Argonauts, when they are fighting all the skeletons.
7 minutes ago, LordVenger said:That little skeleton on the left or back reminds me of harryhausen. So fun.
Thank you! It was very much the inspiration!
That little skeleton on the left or back reminds me of harryhausen. So fun.
3 hours ago, Emnems80 said:It's awesome how the use of simple things can make a picture look so amazing.
It's true. Every picture is like a recipe of a multitude ingredients. I'm constantly amazed and inspired wth what people come up with.
It's awesome how the use of simple things can make a picture look so amazing.