Imagination is everything, it's the preview to life's coming attractions. Action figure photography is more than a passion. In many ways this has saved me from a dark space I was in after being hit by a drunk driver. Out of the darkness, I found my saving grace which is bringing the wonderful world of toys, play, and imagination into a scene that can set off nostalgia.
I use a wide array of tools for what I do. The key element is lighting. Lighting is truly everything. You can add hints of color or add shadows and light to your scene so you can truly set the mood. I spend more time with my lighting to balance out the scene more than I would with posing or framing.
I also use a cheap clear string to suspend my action figures from an old broomstick that I taped to a floor lamp. I like to use things from around the house to bring my visions I see in my mind to a photograph.
Another key element I use is smoke or fog. If I am going for a cemetery scene, then a light fog using a smoke machine does the trick. Or if I need something more dramatic, then a quick spray of Atmosphere Aerosol can take your photography to the next level.
I make sure to write down all of my ideas. Pen to paper. The old fashion way. That way I have a clear game plan of what my vision is for that particular day in the studio. Everything is written, from storytelling, posing, color scheme, props or dioramas. I have hundreds of ideas that I have yet to photograph, but are on my list just ready to go!
The camera I use as my main driver from day to day operation is the Sony A7iii. I tend to switch out the lens depending on the style or genre I am shooting. But usually I will use the Sony 90mm Macro and the Sony 50mm Macro lens.
While I don't spend a crazy amount on my supplies I use, one thing I will splurge on is my lighting. Lumecube is the Rolls Royce of lighting. I will use both the Lumecube Panel Pro models. Those are great because you can add colors all with the quick swipe of a finger! I also use the original cubes as well to brighten up a shot!
We are the modern day dreamers. Those who dare to be vulnerable and showcase their works on a daily basis to hundreds or sometimes thousands of people at a time online. While often nerve wracking, it is absolutely an amazing feeling to connect with so many across the globe with my works. Thanks! -Manny
Nice work and lightining!
I sincerely appreciate you and all the love! This project was a real pleasure to do!?